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Subscribe to GATT Characteristic Notifications not found
Hello guys,
I need make a communication with a fat scale equipment in .Net core, so i need followings:
- Write in one characterisct with person data (I beleave that its ok for me)
- And whatch a characterisc with notify.
So, I can't get the notify value. I looked for samples, but I didn't find it. I beleave that I'm doing anything wrong in code.
Look it:
private async Task GetNotificationBodyFatScaleAsync()
var characteristic = await LoadCharacteristic(CHARACTERISTIC_MEASURE);
characteristic.Value += BodyFatScaleDataReceivedAsync;
private async Task BodyFatScaleDataReceivedAsync(GattCharacteristic sender, GattCharacteristicValueEventArgs eventArgs)
Console.Out.WriteLine($"Received event from fat scale {eventArgs.Value}");
catch (Exception ex)
I'm following by this one
Could you help me? Could you send me an example? Or are there any error in lib?