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When push to production, it says modified: mix.lock
When I push to production master, always need to git checkout -- mix.lock
local: Working directory has unstaged changes.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: mix.lock
Should I add mix.lock into .gitignore
How does the .lock file change after deploy? (I assume the dev and prod .lock should be same?)
Am I missing something, Thanks!
Seems in my local dev, not mix phoenix.server to update mix.lock at first time.
Tried again, seems mix.lock changes.
Hey @loongmxbt, It could be possible for your mix.lock file to change. Your mix file has some dependencies that are specific to dev?
That being said. This shouldn't make too big of a difference when deploying. When you git push
to your production server, that push should overwrite any changes that may have been created by the previous deploy.
Just a thought: Are you using the same version of Elixir and Hex between dev and production? Mine randomly changed the order of some dependencies when I upgraded one of those.
@hut8 I knew I had the same Elixir version but I forgot about Hex. Thanks! I just run mix local.hex
Simply do git update-index --assume-unchanged mix.lock
to prevent it from being tracked by git.