vagrant copied to clipboard
Silently fails to create share for synced folder with Hyper-V on Windows host
Vagrant version
Host operating system
Windows 10.0.17763.0, clean build, no Docker. Enterprise managed, we do have security agents, but they don't pop up any notifications.
Guest operating system
Ubuntu 16.04
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.define "ubuntu", primary: true do |ubuntu| = "generic/ubuntu1604"
config.vm.provider "hyperv" do |vb|
vb.maxmemory = "4096"
vb.maxmemory = "2048"
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
apt-get install -y cifs-utils </dev/null
config.vm.synced_folder '../', '/vagrant', {
type: 'smb',
mount_options: ['vers=3.0']
# have tried with following options: no change
#smb_host: '',
#smb_username: ENV['VAGRANT_SMB_USERNAME'],
#smb_password: ENV['VAGRANT_SMB_PASSWORD']
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
echo "export HOST_OS=#{ENV['OS']}" >> /etc/profile.d/
config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
Debug output
INFO interface: detail: ubuntu: You will be asked for the username and password to use for the SMB
ubuntu: folders shortly. Please use the proper username/password of your
ubuntu: account.
ubuntu: You will be asked for the username and password to use for the SMB
ubuntu: folders shortly. Please use the proper username/password of your
ubuntu: account.
INFO interface: ask: Username:
INFO interface: ask: ubuntu: Username:
ubuntu: Username: ***REDACTED***
INFO interface: ask: Password (will be hidden):
INFO interface: ask: ubuntu: Password (will be hidden):
ubuntu: Password (will be hidden):
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: smb_validate_password
DEBUG host: Checking in: windows
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: smb_start
DEBUG host: Checking in: windows
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: smb_prepare
DEBUG host: Checking in: windows
DEBUG host: Found cap: smb_prepare in windows
INFO host: Execute capability: smb_prepare [#<Vagrant::Environment: C:/GithubData/monov/stepladder>, #<Vagrant::Machine: ubuntu (VagrantPlugins::HyperV::Provider)>, {"/vagrant"=>{:disabled=>false, :guestpath=>"/vagrant", :hostpath=>"C:/Githubdata/monov", :type=>:smb, :mount_options=>["vers=3.0"], :__vagrantfile=>true, :smb_username=>"***REDACTED***", :smb_password=>"*****"}}, {}] (windows)
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["C:\\windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\/powershell.EXE", "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-Command", "Get-SmbShare|Format-List|Out-String -Width 4096"]
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout:
Name : ADMIN$
ScopeName : *
Path : C:\windows
Description : Remote Admin
Name : C$
ScopeName : *
Path : C:\
Description : Default share
Name : IPC$
ScopeName : *
Path :
Description : Remote IPC
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG smb: local share listing: {"ADMIN$"=>{"Path"=>"C:\\windows", "Description"=>"Remote Admin"}, "C$"=>{"Path"=>"C:\\", "Description"=>"Default share"}, "IPC$"=>{"Path"=>"", "Description"=>"Remote IPC"}, "test"=>{"Path"=>"C:\\test", "Description"=>""}}
DEBUG smb: generating machine ID name=ubuntu cwd=C:/GithubData/monov/stepladder
INFO smb: creating new share name=vgt-cb537e4512c0aa89971e7a52a9c6c30e-6ad5fdbcbf2eaa93bd62f92333a2e6e5 id=vgt-cb537e4512c0aa89971e7a52a9c6c30e-6ad5fdbcbf2eaa93bd62f92333a2e6e5
INFO interface: warn:
Vagrant requires administrator access to create SMB shares and
may request access to complete setup of configured shares.
Vagrant requires administrator access to create SMB shares and
may request access to complete setup of configured shares.
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31998
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 1
ERROR warden: Error occurred: Exporting an SMB share failed! Details about the failure are shown
below. Please inspect the error message and correct any problems.
Host path:
Expected behavior
SMB share created, visible with net share
. No UAC popup expected, as running console as admin. OR, if command fails, we get diagnostic output.
Actual behavior
Share not created. HOWEVER, if I decode the Base64 string and run THAT, command completes as expected and share is created. No diagnostic output if not running with --
debug`, I find this unhelpful:
ERROR warden: Error occurred: Exporting an SMB share failed! Details about the failure are shown
below. Please inspect the error message and correct any problems.
Host path:
Steps to reproduce
- Run
vagrant up
in a console that's running as administrator - Put in valid creds
- Profit???
I believe that the debug output INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["C:\\windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\/powershell.EXE", "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive" # ... etc ...
can be recreated manually with:
Start-Process "C:\\windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\/powershell.EXE" -ArgumentList "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive" # ... etc ...
N.B. the debug output includes the string
. When I run Start-Process, I also try escaping that as `$p.
When I do that, I get a powershell window visible and, if not running already as admin, I get a UAC prompt. So that weird slash/backslash combo isn't breaking anything. However... why wrap a base64-encoded command in another one so many times? It appears to be the final wrapping that breaks this.
I can't reproduce the issue on Windows 10 update 1607, but I can on 1803.
I'm also experiencing this with Windows 10.0.19044.1415 (aka 21H2).
Running vagrant from an elevated shell and commenting the UAC stuff and setting sudo: false
seems to help:
As a diff:
--- "C:\\HashiCorp\\Vagrant\\embedded\\gems\\2.2.19\\gems\\vagrant-2.2.19\\plugins\\hosts\\windows\\cap\\smb.rb.orig.txt" 2022-01-03 17:37:02.265982000 +0000
+++ "C:\\HashiCorp\\Vagrant\\embedded\\gems\\2.2.19\\gems\\vagrant-2.2.19\\plugins\\hosts\\windows\\cap\\smb.rb" 2022-01-03 17:21:12.930813600 +0000
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
@@logger.debug("shares to be removed: #{prune_shares}")
if prune_shares.size > 0
- machine.env.ui.warn("\n" + I18n.t("vagrant_sf_smb.uac.prune_warning") + "\n")
+ # machine.env.ui.warn("\n" + I18n.t("vagrant_sf_smb.uac.prune_warning") + "\n")
+ # sleep UAC_PROMPT_WAIT"remove shares: #{prune_shares}")
- result = Vagrant::Util::PowerShell.execute(script_path, *prune_shares, sudo: true)
+ result = Vagrant::Util::PowerShell.execute(script_path, *prune_shares, sudo: false)
if result.exit_code != 0
failed_name = result.stdout.to_s.sub("share name: ", "")
raise SyncedFolderSMB::Errors::PruneShareFailed,
@@ -100,14 +100,14 @@
if !shares.empty?
- uac_notified = false
+ # uac_notified = false
shares.each_slice(10) do |s_shares|
- if !uac_notified
- machine.env.ui.warn("\n" + I18n.t("vagrant_sf_smb.uac.create_warning") + "\n")
- uac_notified = true
- end
- result = Vagrant::Util::PowerShell.execute(script_path, *s_shares, sudo: true)
+ # if !uac_notified
+ # machine.env.ui.warn("\n" + I18n.t("vagrant_sf_smb.uac.create_warning") + "\n")
+ # uac_notified = true
+ # sleep(UAC_PROMPT_WAIT)
+ # end
+ result = Vagrant::Util::PowerShell.execute(script_path, *s_shares, sudo: false)
if result.exit_code != 0
share_path = result.stdout.to_s.sub("share path: ", "")
raise SyncedFolderSMB::Errors::DefineShareFailed,
FYI, I've created that fixes this for me.