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Support Request for Cloud Run Job
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The provider must support cloud run jobs
New or Affected Resource(s)
- google_XXXXX
Potential Terraform Configuration
# Propose what you think the configuration to take advantage of this feature should look like.
# We may not use it verbatim, but it's helpful in understanding your intent.
same as cloud run definition with a schedule property
- #0000
I am sure you guys will be on top of it, but please ensure the attributes are all present so that a job can be interpolated with the unique url format https://${var.region}-run.googleapis.com/apis/run.googleapis.com/v1/namespaces/${var.project_id}/jobs/${var.environment_name}-${var.app_name}:run
so we can connect up the likely connected resources like cloud scheduler, alerting policies etc 🙏🏻
Frontend UI is there already now along with gcloud parts - just missing the terraform resource!
Is there any way to help implement this feature? It would be a breeze to have the opportunity to create those cloud run jobs with terraform. We've got three projects that would use this feature and I don't want to use older workarounds like API endpoints ;-)
Although not yet included in the beta, google_cloud_run_job
seems to be implemented (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules/pull/5924).
What would it take to get this done? Since the resource is already in magic modules, does that mean a PR similar to https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules/pull/6083 -> https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google-beta/pull/4389 ?
Did a bit more research - it appears that the schema hasn't been updated, so the bulk of this work would mean adding the following resources to mmv1/products/cloudrun/api.yaml + mmv1/products/cloudrun/terraform.yaml:
Is that correct @rileykarson / @slevenick ?
I would imagine only jobs
is necessary (the others don't seem to be CRUD resources, and don't make as much sense as Terraform resources), but otherwise yes!
Do folks happen to have any idea what a successful API request should look like for namespaces.jobs
? It doesn't seem to be documented. https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/create-jobs
@melinath it may be possible to create a Job using the Console and GET that? Assuming there's not significant skew between the create and read calls.
@melinath is this what you're looking for?
@solumos not quite - I need an example of what a successful basic create request to that API would look like.
Somewhat tedious to un-nest (and maybe this info isn't helpful), but it looks like it's the same as a Service but with a Job instance as the request body (not sure if that approach is better or worse than introspecting the Console call).
The successful gcloud command to create Cloud Run Job:
gcloud beta run jobs create gke-policy-automation --image europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/xyz/gke-policy-automation/gke-policy-automation:latest --command=/gke-policy,check --args=-c,/etc/secrets/config.yaml --set-secrets /etc/secrets/config.yaml=gke-policy-automation:latest --service-account=gke-policy-automation@xyz.iam.gserviceaccount.com --set-env-vars=GKE_POLICY_LOG=INFO --region=europe-west2 --project=xyz
results in HTTP POST on https://europe-west2-run.googleapis.com/apis/run.googleapis.com/v1/namespaces/xyz/jobs?alt=json
with the blow body.
{"apiVersion": "run.googleapis.com/v1", "kind": "Job", "metadata": {"annotations": {"client.knative.dev/user-image": "europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/xyz/gke-policy-automation/gke-policy-automation:latest", "run.googleapis.com/client-name": "gcloud", "run.googleapis.com/client-version": "397.0.0", "run.googleapis.com/launch-stage": "BETA"}, "labels": {}, "name": "gke-policy-automation", "namespace": "xyz"}, "spec": {"template": {"metadata": {"annotations": {"client.knative.dev/user-image": "europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/xyz/gke-policy-automation/gke-policy-automation:latest", "run.googleapis.com/client-name": "gcloud", "run.googleapis.com/client-version": "397.0.0"}, "labels": {"client.knative.dev/nonce": "moy_zuz_rep"}}, "spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"args": ["-c", "/etc/secrets/config.yaml"], "command": ["/gke-policy", "check"], "env": [{"name": "GKE_POLICY_LOG", "value": "INFO"}], "image": "europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/xyz/gke-policy-automation/gke-policy-automation:latest", "volumeMounts": [{"mountPath": "/etc/secrets", "name": "gke-policy-automation-lar-hef-fad", "readOnly": true}]}], "serviceAccountName": "[email protected]", "volumes": [{"name": "gke-policy-automation-lar-hef-fad", "secret": {"items": [{"key": "latest", "path": "config.yaml"}], "secretName": "gke-policy-automation"}}]}}}}}, "status": {"latestCreatedExecution": {}}}
@melinath I do not see any API call examples they typically provide but this documentation exists https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/reference/rest/v1/namespaces.jobs
Is there any news on this feature reaching terraform please ?
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