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Defaults don't work in nested attributes

Open pksunkara opened this issue 1 year ago • 6 comments

Module version


Relevant provider source code

type TeamResourceTriageModel struct {
	Enabled types.Bool `tfsdk:"enabled"`

type TeamResourceModel struct {
	Id                         types.String  `tfsdk:"id"`
	Name                       types.String  `tfsdk:"name"`
	Triage                     types.Object  `tfsdk:"triage"`

func (r *TeamResource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) {
	resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
		MarkdownDescription: "Linear team.",
		Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
			"id": schema.StringAttribute{
				MarkdownDescription: "Identifier of the team.",
				Computed:            true,
				PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
			"name": schema.StringAttribute{
				MarkdownDescription: "Name of the team.",
				Required:            true,
				Validators: []validator.String{
			"triage": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
				MarkdownDescription: "Triage settings of the team.",
				Optional:            true,
				Computed:            true,
				PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
				Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
					"enabled": schema.BoolAttribute{
						MarkdownDescription: "Enable triage mode for the team. **Default** `false`.",
						Optional:            true,
						Computed:            true,
						Default: booldefault.StaticBool(true),

func (r *TeamResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) {
	var data *TeamResourceModel
	var triageData *TeamResourceTriageModel

	resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Plan.Get(ctx, &data)...)

	if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {

	input := TeamCreateInput{
		Name:                          data.Name.ValueString(),

	resp.Diagnostics.Append(data.Triage.As(ctx, &triageData, basetypes.ObjectAsOptions{})...)

	if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {

	input.TriageEnabled = triageData.Enabled.ValueBool()

	response, err := createTeam(ctx, *r.client, input)

	if err != nil {
		resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Client Error", fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create team, got error: %s", err))

	tflog.Trace(ctx, "created a team")

	team := response.TeamCreate.Team

	data.Id = types.StringValue(team.Id)

	data.Triage = types.ObjectValueMust(
			"enabled": types.BoolType,
			"enabled": types.BoolValue(team.TriageEnabled),

	resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &data)...)

Terraform Configuration Files

resource "linear_team" "test" {
  name = "test"

Debug Output

Expected Behavior

The Graphql Request sent to the server contains triage_enabled as true (read from the default)

Actual Behavior

The Graphql Request sent to the server contains triage_enabled as false

Steps to Reproduce


I suspect this is caused by modifiers.UnknownAttributesOnUnknown, but it is recommended by @bflad at https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/issues/489#issuecomment-1255548450

pksunkara avatar Apr 12 '23 15:04 pksunkara

@bflad I would really appreciate it if I can get any pointers here.

pksunkara avatar May 19 '23 10:05 pksunkara

We've been playing with Default: objectdefault.StaticValue(..) on the schema.SingleNestedAttribute to achieve this. Would be interested to hear your experience with this as for us I'm hearing there are cases where this default overrides the declared values in the nested object

patrickcping avatar Jun 14 '23 14:06 patrickcping

Hi folks 👋 Sorry for the delayed response here.

The behavior of schema-based Default value handling occurs when the "object layer" containing the attribute is known (not null or unknown). All root attributes are automatically invoked, however when nested attributes and blocks come into play, it is important to note that behavior versus your desired implementation when a higher "layer" may be null in a configuration. If setting default values in an underlying attribute within a single nested attribute (object) when that object is null is desired, then the single nested attribute itself must declare a default (potentially in addition to having a default on the underlying attribute for when the single nested attribute is not null, but the underlying attribute is still null). The reason for this is because it leaves the choice up to provider developers when they may or may not want objects instantiated, since that behavior is not always desirable.

To summarize this particular case with a single nested attribute with one underlying attribute:

Default on Single Nested Attribute Default on Underlying Attribute Configuration Framework Behavior
No No Null single nested attribute Passthrough (null single nested attribute and implicitly null underlying attribute)
No No Known single nested attribute, but null underlying attribute Passthrough (known single nested attribute, but null underlying attribute)
No No Known single nested attribute and known underlying attribute Passthrough (known single nested attribute and known underlying attribute)
No Yes Null single nested attribute Passthrough (null single nested attribute and implicitly null underlying attribute)
No Yes Known single nested attribute, but null underlying attribute Known single nested attribute with underlying attribute default
No Yes Known single nested attribute and known underlying attribute Passthrough (known single nested attribute and known underlying attribute)
Yes No Null single nested attribute Single nested attribute default
Yes No Known single nested attribute, but null underlying attribute Passthrough (Known single nested attribute with null underlying attribute)
Yes No Known single nested attribute and known underlying attribute Passthrough (known single nested attribute and known underlying attribute)
Yes Yes Null single nested attribute Single nested attribute default
Yes Yes Known single nested attribute, but null underlying attribute Known single nested attribute with underlying attribute default
Yes Yes Known single nested attribute and known underlying attribute Passthrough (known single nested attribute and known underlying attribute)

Hopefully this clarifies some of the behaviors here and please reach out if the functionality is not working as I'm describing. It does not appear that the website documentation walks through this level of detail, so will take this issue to adjust that particular documentation.

bflad avatar Jun 14 '23 16:06 bflad

No Yes Null single nested attribute Passthrough (null single nested attribute and implicitly null underlying attribute)

This is the issue I am running into. Right now, if I want this scenario to not trigger, I need to duplicate the defaults on the object level too.

Default: objectdefault.StaticValue(
			"enabled":            types.BoolValue(false),
			"start_day":          types.Float64Value(0),
			"duration":           types.Float64Value(1),
			"cooldown":           types.Float64Value(0),
			"upcoming":           types.Float64Value(2),
			"auto_add_started":   types.BoolValue(true),
			"auto_add_completed": types.BoolValue(true),
			"need_for_active":    types.BoolValue(false),

Is there a way I can prevent this duplication and let the underlying attribute get set to the specified default?

pksunkara avatar Jun 15 '23 20:06 pksunkara

@pksunkara I'm not aware of a way to do that today with existing framework functions/methods, but it may be possible to enhance the framework so that:

  • The object attribute types and/or nested attributes are passed through to the defaults.ObjectRequest type
  • A new objectdefault function is created that instantiates a known object using those types will either all null underlying values (and somehow triggering those underlying defaults to be called) or instantiating a known object using the attribute defaults directly

I'll create a feature request issue for tracking that proposal.

bflad avatar Jun 16 '23 14:06 bflad

Created https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/issues/777 with above. The proposal details are a little hazy/unclear since we'd need to avoid an import cycle, but I'm hopeful that it might be possible to work around that issue.

bflad avatar Jun 16 '23 14:06 bflad