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Watch handler not being invoked when the value is updated in Consul KV

Open ptry2024 opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Overview of the Issue

Hey Folks! I'm configuring watch to see if there are changes in Consul KV then watch script handler will being invoked to write the changes into some files. I can see the expected behavior by using consul watch -type=keyprefix ... but when I adding those config into file that use by consul agent to run as service, I noticed watch script handler is invoked once time at starting or restarting consul agent service. This problem didn't happen with consul watch -type=keyprefix ...

Reproduction Steps

Steps to reproduce this issue: With consul watch command

  1. Run consul watch -type=keyprefix -prefix=algorand/ /tmp/ algorand
  2. Update the value under algorand/ key
  3. Output
(alpha-hexsafe-aws) root@hx-sg-al-hexsafe-alpha-1:~$ consul watch -type=keyprefix -prefix=algorand/ /etc/consul.d/ algorand
[master c56669b] Update kvs.txt
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
[master f829bd7] Update kvs.txt
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
[master 617c74c] Update kvs.txt
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-
(alpha-hexsafe-aws) root@hx-sg-al-hexsafe-alpha-1:/opt/consul/log$ tail -f consul_watch.log 
Old Value: algorand
New Value: LOG_DEBUG
Mon 13 Jun 2022 03:42:11 PM UTC
Change detected for key: algorand/APPLICATION
Old Value: algorand
New Value: LOG_INFO
Mon 13 Jun 2022 03:43:14 PM UTC
Change detected for key: algorand/LOG_LEVEL
Old Value: LOG_INFO
New Value: LOG_DEBUG
Mon 13 Jun 2022 03:44:28 PM UTC
Change detected for key: algorand/LOG_LEVEL
Old Value: LOG_DEBUG
New Value: LOG_INFO

With configuration file

  1. The consul.hcl file is used by consul agent service
(alpha-hexsafe-aws) root@hx-sg-al-hexsafe-alpha-1:/etc/consul.d$ cat consul.hcl 
bind_addr = ""
datacenter = "alpha"
data_dir = "/opt/consul"
encrypt = "xxx"
ca_file = "xxx"
cert_file = "xxx"
key_file = "xxx"
verify_incoming = false
verify_incoming_rpc = true
verify_outgoing = true
verify_server_hostname = true
recursors = [ "", "" ]
retry_join =  [ "" ]
acl = {
  enabled = true
  default_policy = "deny"
  enable_token_persistence = true
  tokens {
    master       = xxx"
    agent        = "xxx"
    default      = "xxx"

watches = [
        type = "keyprefix"
        prefix = "algorand/"
        handler_type = "script"
        args = ["/tmp/", "algorand"]

connect {
  enabled = true
performance {
  raft_multiplier = 1
addresses {
  https = "
  grpc = ""
  dns = ""
ports {
  dns = 53
  http = -1
  https = 8501
  grpc = 8502

telemetry {
  statsd_address = "xxx"

limits {
  http_max_conns_per_client = 10000
  1. Consul agent service
(alpha-hexsafe-aws) root@hx-sg-al-hexsafe-alpha-1:/etc/consul.d$ cat /etc/systemd/system/consul.service 
Description="HashiCorp Consul - A service mesh solution"
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/consul agent -config-dir=/etc/consul.d/ -log-level=debug
ExecReload=/bin/kill --signal HUP $MAINPID
(alpha-hexsafe-aws) root@hx
  1. My watch script handler
#!/usr/bin/env sh

export CONSUL_HTTP_SSL=true
export CONSUL_CACERT=xxx

# if folder does not exist create it
# and initialize a git repo for the first run
if [ ! -d "/opt/consul/kvs/${1}/" ]; then
        mkdir -p /opt/consul/kvs/${1}/
        cd /opt/consul/kvs/${1}/
        touch kvs.txt
        consul watch -type keyprefix -prefix=${1} > kvs.txt
        git init
        git config "xxx"
        git config "xxx"
        git add kvs.txt && git commit -m 'init kvs.txt'

if [ ! -d "/opt/consul/log/" ]; then
    mkdir -p /opt/consul/log/

cd /opt/consul/kvs/${1}/
touch "$(date)".txt
consul watch -type keyprefix -prefix=${1} > kvs.txt
git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code || FLAG=1

if [ $FLAG = 0 ]; then
        echo "$(date) : No Change" >> "/opt/consul/log/consul_watch.log"
	exit 0

if [ $FLAG = 1 ]; then
        # first we trim quotes and commas then grep for Key and get what it is
        KEY=`git diff | sed -e 's/\"//g' | sed -e 's/\,//g' | grep Key | awk '{ print $2 }'`

        # to get the old and new values we do the same and decode base64 values
        OLD=`git diff | sed -e 's/\"//g' | sed -e 's/\,//g' | grep Value | awk -F'Value: ' '{print $2}' | head -1 | base64 -d`
        NEW=`git diff | sed -e 's/\"//g' | sed -e 's/\,//g' | grep Value | awk -F'Value: ' '{print $2}' | tail -1 | base64 -d`

        if [ "$KEY" != "Key:" ]; then
            echo $(date) >> "/opt/consul/log/consul_watch.log"
            echo "Change detected for key: ${KEY}" >> "/opt/consul/log/consul_watch.log"
            echo "Old Value: ${OLD}" >> "/opt/consul/log/consul_watch.log"
            echo "New Value: ${NEW}" >> "/opt/consul/log/consul_watch.log"
            echo " " >> "/opt/consul/log/consul_watch.log"
        git add kvs.txt
        git commit -m "Update kvs.txt"
	exit 0

Consul info for both Client and Server

Client info

Client version: 1.11.3

(alpha-hexsafe-aws) root@hx-sg-al-hexsafe-alpha-1:/etc/consul.d$ consul info
	check_monitors = 0
	check_ttls = 1
	checks = 161
	services = 172
	prerelease = 
	revision = e319d7ed
	version = 1.11.3
	acl = enabled
	bootstrap = true
	known_datacenters = 1
	leader = true
	leader_addr =
	server = true
	applied_index = 639684
	commit_index = 639684
	fsm_pending = 0
	last_contact = 0
	last_log_index = 639684
	last_log_term = 54
	last_snapshot_index = 639465
	last_snapshot_term = 54
	latest_configuration = [{Suffrage:Voter ID:12114d1e-0b75-aa2d-e116-788422328c0c}]
	latest_configuration_index = 0
	num_peers = 0
	protocol_version = 3
	protocol_version_max = 3
	protocol_version_min = 0
	snapshot_version_max = 1
	snapshot_version_min = 0
	state = Leader
	term = 54
	arch = amd64
	cpu_count = 32
	goroutines = 5578
	max_procs = 32
	os = linux
	version = go1.17.5
	coordinate_resets = 0
	encrypted = true
	event_queue = 1
	event_time = 53
	failed = 0
	health_score = 0
	intent_queue = 1
	left = 0
	member_time = 55
	members = 1
	query_queue = 0
	query_time = 1
	coordinate_resets = 0
	encrypted = true
	event_queue = 0
	event_time = 1
	failed = 0
	health_score = 0
	intent_queue = 0
	left = 0
	member_time = 1
	members = 1
	query_queue = 0
	query_time = 1
Server info

Server version: 1.11.3

Number of server node: 1

(alpha-hexsafe-aws) root@hx-sg-al-hexsafe-alpha-1:/etc/consul.d$ consul info
	check_monitors = 0
	check_ttls = 1
	checks = 161
	services = 172
	prerelease = 
	revision = e319d7ed
	version = 1.11.3
	acl = enabled
	bootstrap = true
	known_datacenters = 1
	leader = true
	leader_addr =
	server = true
	applied_index = 639684
	commit_index = 639684
	fsm_pending = 0
	last_contact = 0
	last_log_index = 639684
	last_log_term = 54
	last_snapshot_index = 639465
	last_snapshot_term = 54
	latest_configuration = [{Suffrage:Voter ID:12114d1e-0b75-aa2d-e116-788422328c0c}]
	latest_configuration_index = 0
	num_peers = 0
	protocol_version = 3
	protocol_version_max = 3
	protocol_version_min = 0
	snapshot_version_max = 1
	snapshot_version_min = 0
	state = Leader
	term = 54
	arch = amd64
	cpu_count = 32
	goroutines = 5578
	max_procs = 32
	os = linux
	version = go1.17.5
	coordinate_resets = 0
	encrypted = true
	event_queue = 1
	event_time = 53
	failed = 0
	health_score = 0
	intent_queue = 1
	left = 0
	member_time = 55
	members = 1
	query_queue = 0
	query_time = 1
	coordinate_resets = 0
	encrypted = true
	event_queue = 0
	event_time = 1
	failed = 0
	health_score = 0
	intent_queue = 0
	left = 0
	member_time = 1
	members = 1
	query_queue = 0
	query_time = 1

Operating system and Environment details

Debian 10

Log Fragments

I can see the below log of consul watch at starting or restarting consul agent service. But I didn't see any logs when I update the value of a key under algorand/

Jun 13 10:07:26 localhost consul[8909]: 2022-06-13T10:07:26.461Z [DEBUG] agent: watch handler output: watch_handler=[/etc/consul.d/, algorand] output="Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/consul/kvs/algorand/.git/

The expect behavior

The handler script can be invoked with configuration file that consul agent service use.

Additional Information

Please let me know if you need any additional information!

Many thanks

ptry2024 avatar Jun 13 '22 16:06 ptry2024

Hey @hoangphuc1662

Thanks for the detailed bug report! I'll try my hand at replicating this and see if I can figure out what's going on 👍

Amier3 avatar Jun 16 '22 18:06 Amier3

I couldn't reproduce the error using consul v1.11.3. To narrow down the problem space (TLS, acl), @hoangphuc1662 , could you help simplify the deployment, e.g.,

  1. create a single node cluster using consul agent -dev with only the watch stanza
  2. update the kv to see if the handler can be triggered.


huikang avatar Jul 23 '22 21:07 huikang

Heya - I'm just weighing in on this old bug in the hopes of helping someone else like me who ran into this EXACT same issue. The root cause, in my case anyway, was a missing KV Read-enabled ACL token in the individual watches config stanza. It appears that the initial startup execution leverages the agent's token and then subsequent watch checks use an anonymous token. Enabling TRACE log_level enabled me to see the 403 from the watches query to the KV store.

Hope this helps someone else stuck in the weeds here!

RallyHereMattSmith avatar Apr 11 '23 17:04 RallyHereMattSmith