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Consul KV PUT is not working in cross datacenter setup
Consul KV put is not working in cross datacenter setup
When I tried to put a KV from the datacenter A consul-client to datacenter B consul cluster, Im seeing below permission error. But I have given enough permissions for all the datacenter consul clusters
Reproduction Steps
Steps to reproduce this issue, eg:
gave below permission in both datacenter A and datacenter B consul clusters
agent_prefix "" {
policy = "read"
node_prefix "" {
policy = "read"
service_prefix "" {
policy = "read"
query_prefix "" {
policy = "read"
key_prefix "test_path/" {
policy = "write"
Below is the error I got when i tried to put a KV from the datacenter A consul-client to datacenter B consul cluster,
+ consul kv put -datacenter=datacenterB "test_path/test_key" "test_value"
Error! Failed writing data: Unexpected response code: 403 (rpc error making call: rpc error making call: ACL not found)
Hey @venkatnpedada
Do you have ACL enabled? If so you need to create an ACL policy and associated ACL token in the cli to match your key_prefix
I'll linked a detailed answer here from one of our engineers that outlines those steps, and a tutorial we have on ACL setup that might be helpful to look at
have same issue, I set new kv in dc A, but this key is absent in dc B. ACL enabled and service has permissions to write.