consul-template copied to clipboard
Enhancement: control Vault path if doesn't exists
Consul Template version
consul-template v0.25.0 (99efa642)
Config: test.conf
consul {
address = "http://consul.internal"
ssl {
enabled = false
vault {
address = "https://vault.internal"
template {
source = "test.ctmpl"
destination = "test.txt"
error_on_missing_key = true
left_delimiter = "[{"
right_delimiter = "}]"
Template: test.ctmpl
[{ range ls "webservice/frontend/env_vars" -}]
[{ scratch.MapSet "vars" .Key .Value -}]
[{ end -}]
[{ with secret "kv/webservice/frontend/env_vars" -}]
[{ range $k, $v := -}]
[{ scratch.MapSet "vars" $k $v -}]
[{ end -}]
[{ end -}]
[{ range $k, $v := scratch.Get "vars" }]
[{ $k }]=[{ $v -}]
[{ end }]
consul-template -config=test.conf -once -dry
Expected behavior
This is not a bug, I'm asking for an improvement.
Given the previous template, when asking consul, if the CONSUL PATH doesn't exist the execution continues. Also I can add a keyExists
and control the output.
But, if the VAULT PATH doesn't exists I got the error described in this issue and the execution stalls.
I would like to have the same behaviour as Consul with keyExists
or something similar, to control it.
Why? Sometimes we don't need vars from VAULT, only from CONSUL. We create custom AMIs with Packer and we use this template for all instances. So it depends on the instance we spawn it might need values from Vault or not. So basically the behaviour we would like to have is:
if vaultKeyExists
In short, have the same control in vault that we have in consul when a path doesn't exists.
Actual behavior
2020/04/29 15:01:28.126705 [WARN] (view) no secret exists at kv/data/webservice/frontend/env_vars (retry attempt 3 after "1s")
Later I've seen two more "issues" related to this one: #776 and #942
And I did a workaround to "fix" this:
{{ if secrets kv/metadata/endpoint | contains my_var_im_looking_for }}
{{ with secret kv/endpoint/my_var_im_looking_for }}
{{ /* DO THINGS */ }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
But I prefer to have something native to consul-template than a workaround.
Later I've seen two more "issues" related to this one: #776 and #942
And I did a workaround to "fix" this:
{{ if secrets kv/metadata/endpoint | contains my_var_im_looking_for }} {{ with secret kv/endpoint/my_var_im_looking_for }} {{ /* DO THINGS */ }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
But I prefer to have something native to consul-template than a workaround.
This also does not work when there is secret but its current version is deleted. Either "secrets" should not list deleted items or it should be possible to retrieve at least deleted secret metadata.
I would also love this sort of functionality - if secret_exists $SECRET_PATH
would allow us to make secrets optional. We have a ton of services that don't need secrets, but our platform requires that all of that be setup prior to deployment.