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[epic]: MATS Testing and Delivery Pipeline CI/CD Phase 1 tasks
Refer to phase 1 design
The CI/CD team is supporting the effor to implement MATS tests and enable continuous delivery
from the mainline of hashgraph/hedera-services
. This estimate goes over the anticpated effort
for the following tasks:
Task List
- [ ] #14571
- look at all workflows currently running on push to develop
- Runs minimal acceptable test suite
- MATS runs do not use tags since they execute on every PR/commit merged to main
- Look at breaking the unit test flows into independent parts
- Hammer
- Long Running
- Performance
- Smoke
- Fuzz
- look at how/where jacoco/codecov tasks are called?
- look at how/where adhoc release is called
- ensure adhoc release runs after all testing iff all pre-tests are passing
- ensure publishing jacoco/codecov results as build artifact in github actions
- [ ] #14570
- Execute once every 3 hours
- Grab the latest untested commit from develop
- Retrieve the latest jacoco/codecov artifacts
- Run long unit tests (> 30 minutes)
- Run Extended Test Suite
- Hammer Tests
- Fuzz Tests
- Testnet migration tests - what environment? GCE?
- Mainnet migration tests - what environment? GCE?
- Capture jacoco/codecov coverage results as build artifact
- Publish jacoco and codecov results for the commit
- Publish the results from the commits MATS timeframe
- Publish the results from the commits ETS timeframe
- Scenario -- Tests pass:
- Tag the build with a promotion marker (label?)
- Add temporary tags to the commit that passed the 3 hour ETS
- Scenario -- Tests fail:
- Notify through pager duty
- Notify through slack
- Using rootly?
- [ ] #14650
- The build ID should only be tagged once per day. Eg we produce a single build candidate daily and not every 3 hours.
- Pick the latest passing ETS commit
- Assign it a build ID
- clear the temp tags from the other commits
- [ ] #14572
- Document in hedera-services or notion
- Release Engineering will create the tagging schema
- Must be compatible with all four phases of the continuous deployment process
- [ ] #14573
- Document in hedera-services or notion
- add labels to hedera-services
- Release Engineering will handle standardization of build promotion
- [ ] #14574
- Make updates in hedera-services as needed
- [ ] Test standardization effort
- Standardardize test, test suite, and test class names
- [ ] #11564
- Gradle changes to support MATS and other test types
- Gradle changes to restructure tests into MATS and other test types
- Requires engagement with other engineering teams
- Split tests into appropriate source sets
- Hammer
- Long Running
- Performance
- Smoke
- Fuzz
- Modifying existing workflows - 2 weeks
- Gradle Tasks - 3 weeks
- Create a new flow that executes on main - 2 week
- Create a new flow that executes daily to facilitate automated tagging and build promotion - 2 weeks
- Standardize/document tagging scheme for MATS/ETS commits - 2 weeks
- Standardize/document promotion labels/tags - 2 weeks
- Standardize/update existing workflow files - 3 weeks
- Estiamted time to complete: 16-20 weeks