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Scrolls elements or windows, cross-browser. Offers convenient, flexible options for animation.


SetupWhy?UsageBrowser supportBuild and test

jQuery.scrollable manages animated scrolling in windows, scrollable elements and iframes. It frees you from handling gotchas and edge cases and offers convenient, flexible options for animation.

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Dependencies and setup

jQuery.scrollable depends on jQuery and jQuery.documentSize. They must be ready for use when jquery.scrollable.js is loaded.

The stable version of jQuery.scrollable is available in the dist directory (dev, prod), including an AMD build (dev, prod). If you use Bower, fetch the files with bower install jquery.scrollable. With npm, it is npm install jquery.scrollable.


On the face of it, animated scrolling is such a trivial task with jQuery that you'd be forgiven to think a plugin is foolish. Doesn't a one liner get you there? Is a call along the lines of $elem.animate( { scrollTop: 1200 } ) not enough?

Yes. And no. In a number of respects, the jQuery solution isn't quite good enough – or, depending on your priorities, nowhere near good enough. And your users might share that view.

User experience
  • A jQuery animation doesn't respond to user actions. Once the animation has begun, it carries on, no matter how often the user clicks, taps, or tries to scroll. By contrast, jQuery.scrollable respects user actions, and allows you to customize your response.

  • jQuery doesn't deal well with overlapping calls. What happens when there is a button triggering a scroll, and a user clicks it seven times in a row? Or when a scroll movement is supposed to begin, but a previous one hasn't finished yet? jQuery.scrollable lets you choose the outcome, in a way that always works.

  • jQuery animations turn into a crawl when covering short distances. jQuery.scrollable prevents that by introducing a minimum speed.

Navigating the gotchas
  • The right way to animate window scrolling depends on the browser. Common solutions cause callbacks to behave weirdly, leading to workarounds which introduce other inconsistencies.

    jQuery.scrollable establishes the correct approach, behind the scenes, by actually testing the browser behaviour. Callbacks work as they should, or perhaps even a bit better.

  • Let a component do the math. For instance, if your scroll target happens to be near the bottom of the page, it can't be scrolled to the top of the window. Account for that, or else the scroll animation hits the end of its run at full speed, and stops jarringly.

    That kind of thing. One would assume that it's taken care of in a component like jQuery.scrollable, and it is.

  • Keep things separate. jQuery.scrollable manages scrolling in its own dedicated animation queue so as not to interfere with other animations on the page.

Ease of use
  • Well, you get relative scrolling, simultaneous or sequential scrolling on both axes, a very permissive syntax, keywords, percentages, and stuff.

OK. How?

It's super simple. And it gives you a lot of flexibility.

Target positions: Window scrollingAbsolute targetRelative target
User experience: Overlapping callsMinimum speedUser interaction
Animation: CallbacksOptionsStoppingCustom queues
Helpers: Scrollable distanceScrollable element

Scrolling a window

For scrolling the window, call scrollTo on any object which would come to mind:

$( window ).scrollTo( 1200 );     // scrolls the window
$( "body" ).scrollTo( 1200 );     // scrolls the window
$( "html" ).scrollTo( 1200 );     // scrolls the window
$( document ).scrollTo( 1200 );   // scrolls the window

Likewise for an iframe (provided you are allowed access to its content). You can also call scrollTo on the iframe element itself.

$iframeElement.scrollTo( 1200 );  // scrolls the iframe window

Scrolling to a fixed position, vertically

The most common use case. Plenty of ways to do it, all equally valid.

// For vertical scrolling, you don't have to specify an axis...
$elem.scrollTo( 1200 );
$elem.scrollTo( "1200" );
$elem.scrollTo( "1200px" );

// ...but you can. Either as part of the position...
$elem.scrollTo( { top: 1200 } );
$elem.scrollTo( { y: 1200 } );
$elem.scrollTo( { vertical: 1200 } );
$elem.scrollTo( { v: 1200 } );

// ...or with a separate axis option.
$elem.scrollTo( 1200, { axis: "y" } );
$elem.scrollTo( 1200, { axis: "vertical" } );
$elem.scrollTo( 1200, { axis: "v" } );

As you can see, the vertical axis names top, y, vertical, and v can be used interchangeably. And of course, if the target position is beyond the maximum scroll range, it is adjusted automatically to ensure a smooth animation.

You can also use percentages. Suppose you want to scroll half way down the page:

$elem.scrollTo( "50%" );

And you can use keywords.

$elem.scrollTo( "top" );      // same as 0
$elem.scrollTo( "bottom" );   // same as "100%"

Scrolling to a fixed position, horizontally

Works exactly the same as vertical scrolling, but you have to be explicit about the axis.

// You have to specify the axis here, as part of the position...
$elem.scrollTo( { left: 800 } );
$elem.scrollTo( { x: 800 } );
$elem.scrollTo( { horizontal: 800 } );
$elem.scrollTo( { h: 800 } );

// ...or with the axis option.
$elem.scrollTo( 1200, { axis: "x" } );
$elem.scrollTo( 1200, { axis: "horizontal" } );
$elem.scrollTo( 1200, { axis: "h" } );

Horizontal axis names are left, x, horizontal, and h. Use what suits you best.

Again, you can also use percentages and keywords.

$elem.scrollTo( { x: "50%" } );
$elem.scrollTo( { x: "left" } );   // same as 0
$elem.scrollTo( { x: "right" } );  // same as "100%"

// You can omit the axis if it is obvious from the target
$elem.scrollTo( "left" );
$elem.scrollTo( "right" );

Scrolling to a fixed position on both axes

By default, both axes scroll simultaneously. The pane moves diagonally.

$elem.scrollTo( { x: 800, y: 1200 } );  // or any of the other axis labels and units

But you can chain the movements, too. In the example below, you scroll vertically first, and when the target is reached, the horizontal movement follows.

    .scrollTo( { y: 1200 } )
    .scrollTo( { x: 800 }, { append: true } );

When chaining scroll movements, the append option does the trick. Normally, when you call scrollTo(), a previous, ongoing scroll animation is stopped in its tracks and replaced by the new one. With append: true, you can prevent that and queue your scroll movements.

Relative scrolling

You can scroll relative to the current scroll position. Prefix the intended shift with "+=" or "-=".

Suppose you want to move another 100px down the page from where you are now:

$elem.scrollTo( "+=100" );
$elem.scrollTo( "+=100px" );

It also works with percentages. Let's scroll left by 25%:

$elem.scrollTo( { x: "-=25%" } );

This scrolls 25% of the total scroll range in $elem. If you are closer than that to the left edge, the amount is reduced accordingly.

Starting a scroll movement while another one is still in progress

In an event-driven system, scrollTo calls can overlap. Suppose a scroll animation is triggered while another one is still in progress. What happens next? You have a choice.

  • Replace mode (default):

    The new scrollTo call cancels preceding ones. An ongoing scroll movement is stopped in its tracks immediately, and the new animation starts from there. Relative scroll movements are based on that location.

    This is what happens by default.

  • Append mode:

    The new scroll animation is queued and executes when the preceding ones have finished.

    You get this behaviour with the append option: $elem.scrollTo( "+=100", { append: true } ). See above.

  • Merge mode:

    The new scroll animation replaces preceding ones, taking their target positions into account.

    Preceding scrollTo calls are cancelled, an ongoing animation is stopped, and a new scroll movement is started. The targets of preceding scroll movements are merged into the new one. In case of a conflict, the last target position wins. (Conflicts are resolved for each axis individually.)

    Suppose an animation is in the process of scrolling down to the middle of the page. Now, a new scroll animation should move the page down another 25%, and to the right by 50%. In merge mode, the ongoing scroll movement is stopped, and a new one initiated which will end up 75% down the page, and 50% to the right.

    You get this type of behaviour with the merge option: $elem.scrollTo( "+=100", { merge: true } ).

Which callbacks are called?

In replace mode and merge mode, preceding animations are cancelled when a new one comes along.

If an animation is cancelled while it is in progress, its fail and always callbacks run. The callbacks receive a cancelled: "replace" or cancelled: "merge" message, depending on the mode of the replacement. However, if an animation is cancelled while it is still waiting in the queue, it simply disappears, and none of its callbacks are called.

In append mode, preceding animations always run their course, and their callbacks are called as usual.

What happens if the new call is redundant because it aims for the same position?

If scrollTo targets the exact same position it starts from, the call is ignored. There is no animation, and animation callbacks don't run, either. This policy manifests itself in a number of ways, with subtle differences.

  • The first case is obvious. Suppose the browser is at rest, without another scroll animation in progress. If a scrollTo call is targeting a position which has already been reached, the call is ignored. The scroll mode (replace, append, merge) does not matter in this case.

  • Now suppose another scroll movement is in progress when scrollTo is called. In append or merge mode, the new movement is compared to ongoing and queued animations. If those animations end up in the position which the new scrollTo call is aiming for, the new call is ignored.


    $elem.scrollTo( 150 )
         .scrollTo( "-=50", { append: true } )  // queued, ending up 100px from the top
         .scrollTo( 100, { append: true } );    // same target, call is ignored
  • In replace mode, things are different. If a scroll animation is under way when scrollTo is called with the same target, the original animation is stopped (replaced), and a new animation begins, completing the move.

    If you don't want that to happen and rather have the original animation complete uninterrupted, use merge mode instead.

Minimum speed

Animations run with a fixed duration. That works fine for all sorts of transitions, but it doesn't work that well for scrolling.

Default minimum speed

Consider a scroll animation which takes 400ms to complete. If the initial scroll position is a fair distance away from the scroll target, the user will see a swift move. But if the position happens to be very close to the target to begin with, 400ms is a long time. The scroll animation is reduced to a crawl.

That's why scrollTo shortens the duration of the animation when the initial position is close to the target. The adjustment kicks in at a distance of 400px or less. Below that threshold, the speed of the animation is prevented from falling further and kept constant instead.

The default behaviour is subtle and feels natural, but of course you can tweak it or turn it off.


You can change the default threshold of 400px with the option lockSpeedBelow.

Use it to modify the threshold for an individual scrollTo call:

$elem.scrollTo( "50%", { lockSpeedBelow: 200 } );  // constant speed if less than 200px away

You can also change the default globally: $.scrollable.lockSpeedBelow = 200.

The threshold is specified in pixels, either as a number, or as a string that evaluates to a number ("200px"). A low threshold honours your duration setting even if the initial distance is short, allowing animations to become very slow. A threshold of 0 turns the minimum speed off. You can also set the threshold to a falsy value or any non-numeric string, such as a descriptive "off".

A larger threshold means a larger zone of constant speed, and larger variations in scroll duration. You can even enforce a constant speed throughout. To achieve that, make the threshold at least as large as the maximum distance that can be scrolled. Then tweak the speed indirectly: by changing the nominal duration (speed = threshold / duration).

Aborting when the user scrolls, clicks, or taps

An animation initiated by scrollTo is automatically stopped as soon as

  • the user scrolls
  • the user holds down a mouse button, clicks, or double-clicks in the scrolling area
  • the user touches the screen in the scrolling area, in a touch-enabled device.

That way, the actions of the user are respected. They take precedence over automated animations.

The fail and always callbacks of a stopped animation are notified of the cause with a cancelled: "click" or cancelled: "scroll" message. The "click" value of the message also covers touch.

Exceptions for selected elements

Occasionally, you might want to allow clicking or tapping on a few selected elements – controls with a fixed position, for instance – without stopping the scroll animation. That is easy to do.

The click and touch detection responds to mousedown, touchstart and pointerdown events. In order to keep the scroll animation running, you just have to prevent these events from bubbling up to the scroll container. Add an event handler to your controls which does just that:

$controls.on( "mousedown touchstart pointerdown", function ( event ) { 
} );

Of course, you only need to do this if the controls are children of the scroll container.

Ignoring the user

You can override the built-in detection of user actions and force your scroll movement to proceed with the ignoreUser option: $elem.scrollTo( 100, { ignoreUser: true } ). And yes, that option name is chosen deliberately to make you cringe when you type it.

If you need to be more specific, use ignoreUser: "click" to ignore clicks and touch only. The scroll animation still stops when the user scrolls. Alternatively, you can ignore scrolling, but respond to clicks and touch, with ignoreUser: "scroll".

It should be said, though, that overriding the user's intent in this way is a Bad Idea (tm) in almost every case. Use ignoreUser judiciously.

Tweaking the user scroll detection

A scroll animation is aborted when the user has tried to scroll by more than 10px, in any direction. Below that threshold, user scrolling is considered to be accidental and insufficient to signal intent.

You can tweak that threshold, even though there hardly ever is any need to do so. The default setting is stored in a global, which you can modify: $.scrollable.userScrollThreshold = 50. You can also set the threshold for an individual animation with the userScrollThreshold option: $elem.scrollTo( 1000, { userScrollThreshold: 50 }.

The minimum value for the threshold is 5.

Animation callbacks

The animation callbacks are the same as the standard jQuery.animate() callbacks. But beyond being fully compatible with the animate() format, the callbacks have been enhanced a bit.


In jQuery fashion, animation callbacks such as start, complete, etc are bound to the animated element.

But there is an exception: window scroll animations are bound to the appropriate window. Ie, inside the callbacks, the this keyword represents the window object, not the real scrollable element (documentElement or body).


All callbacks are called with the same arguments as in animate(). Beyond that, some callbacks receive an additional message argument. It is passed to complete, done, fail, always – ie, the callbacks which run when the animation exits.

  • complete signature: function( message )
  • done, fail, always signature: function( animation, jumpedToEnd, message )

The animation and jumpedToEnd arguments are the ones you know from animate(). The message argument is exclusive to scrollTo calls.

The message argument

The message argument is a hash – an empty one by default. It can be used to send information to callbacks of animations which have already been kicked off. These animations are either already running, or waiting their turn in the queue. The message argument is where that information arrives.

In some cases, the message argument is populated automatically. That happens when an animation is stopped, or removed from the queue, by a built-in mechanism of jQuery.scrollable. Then, the cause of the cancellation is exposed in the message hash, in the property cancelled.

  • cancelled: "replace":
    The animation is replaced by a new scroll which has started in replace mode.
  • cancelled: "merge"
    The animation is replaced by a new scroll which has started in merge mode.
  • cancelled: "click":
    The animation is stopped because the user has clicked or tapped.
  • cancelled: "scroll":
    The animation is stopped because the user has scrolled.

A callback which uses the cancelled flag would look somewhat like this:

$elem.scrollTo( "bottom", { 
    fail: function ( animation, jumpedToEnd, message ) {
        if ( message.cancelled === "merge" ) {
            // do stuff
} );

Because these messages appear when a scroll animation ends prematurely, they only show up in fail and always callbacks. The complete and done callbacks don't fire then.

Sending messages

You can send your own messages to the callbacks of ongoing and queued animations. Such a message must be a hash (e.g. { status: "foo", someFlag: true }). If there are multiple messages to the same callbacks, their content is merged.

You can pass messages to callbacks in a number of ways.

  • With stopScroll:

    $elem.stopScroll( { notifyCancelled: message } );

    Use the notifyCancelled option to send a message. It is passed to the fail and always callbacks of the scroll animation which is stopped.

  • With scrollTo:

    $elem.scrollTo( position, { notifyCancelled: message } );

    Again, use the notifyCancelled option to attach a message. The message is passed to the fail and always callbacks of a preceding, ongoing scroll animation. But it is passed only if that animation is being stopped and replaced by the current scrollTo call.

    The callbacks of that preceding animation also receive a cancelled: "replace" or cancelled: "merge" message, and your custom message is merged with it.

    There are cases when an ongoing scroll animation is not being stopped and replaced. The notifyCancelled option does not apply then. If you call scrollTo() with the append option, existing animations continue, and the notifyCancelled option is ignored.

    Likewise, if scrollTo() is called with the merge option, and it is aiming for the same position as the preceding scroll animations, the current call is ignored. Those other scroll animations continue. Because they aren't cancelled, the notifyCancelled option in the current call does not have any effect, either.

    As already said, the message is passed to the callbacks of preceding scroll animations. It is not passed to the callbacks of the current scrollTo call, nor to future ones.

  • With notifyScrollCallbacks:

    $elem.notifyScrollCallbacks( message, [callbackNames], [queueName] );

    The notifyScrollCallbacks method exists specifically for dispatching messages. It sends a message to the callbacks of scroll animations which are currently executing or waiting for their turn in the queue.

    You can restrict the delivery of a message to a specific callback type (e.g. "done"), or to a number of types (e.g. ["complete", "done"]). Pass the name of the callback, or an array of names, as the callbackNames argument. If omitted, the message is sent to the callback types complete, done, fail, and always.

    Messages can only be sent to exit callbacks (complete, done, fail, always). The start, step, and progress callbacks don't get called with a message argument. If you name them in the callbackNames argument, an error is thrown.

    A notifyScrollCallbacks call only acts on animations which are running or in the queue at the time the call is made. It does not affect callbacks of animations which are initiated or queued later on.

    You'll rarely need to use the last argument, queueName. You must pass a queue name if you use your own custom queue, otherwise omit it. The name defaults to the dedicated, internal queue that the scroll animations run in. And usually, is is a good idea to leave it that way.

Animation options

We have already covered

  • the options axis, append, and merge
  • the animation callbacks, and how to send messages to them with notifyCancelled
  • how to set a minimum speed with lockSpeedBelow
  • how to fine-tune the response to user interaction with ignoreUser and the userScrollThreshold option.

In addition to these, you can use every option available to jQuery.animate(). Specify a duration, an easing etc. Add what you need to the options object which you pass to scrollTo():

$elem.scrollTo( 1200, { axis: "x", duration: 800 );

Stopping scroll animations

Scroll animations run in their own, dedicated queue, so they don't interfere with other animations which may be going on at the same time. As a result, you can't and shouldn't stop scroll movements with the generic jQuery $elem.stop() command.

Use $elem.stopScroll() instead:

$elem.stopScroll( { jumpToTargetPosition: true } );

With the option jumpToTargetPosition, the window or container element jumps to the target position as the animation is aborted. By default, the scroll animation just stops wherever it happens to be.

Use the notifyCancelled option to send a message to the fail and always callbacks of the scroll animation which is stopped.

In addition to stopping the ongoing animation, stopScroll() removes queued scroll animations, should there be any. But non-scroll animations and their queues are not affected – they proceed as normal.

Important: You don't need to use stopScroll() when calling scrollTo() repeatedly.

When you call scrollTo() multiple times on the same container (e.g. the window), ongoing scroll movements are stopped automatically for you. In fact, you have to act if you don't want to stop the current scroll movement. Use the append option then.

Custom queues

As already mentioned above, scroll animations run in their own, dedicated queue, so they don't interfere with other animations which may be going on at the same time. That all happens behind the scenes, and you don't have to do anything to manage that process.

However, if you want to get really fancy with your animations, you can merge scrolling and other animations in a custom queue of your own. But in most cases, you shouldn't.

Sure enough, you can pass a custom queue name to scrollTo(). That is done in standard jQuery fashion: with the queue option. If you use it and you ever call stopScroll(), you need to provide the same queue name there, too. Call it like this: $elem.stopScroll( { queue: "foo" } ).

But that flexibility comes at a price. In a custom queue of your own, it is no longer possible to differentiate between scroll and non-scroll animations. When you run scrollTo(), it stops all animations in that queue, regardless of type, unless you use the append option (in which case nothing stops at all). And stopScroll() now works just the same as jQuery's $elem.stop( true ).

My advice would be to stick to the standard scroll queue as a best practice – ie, simply don't specify a queue, and all will be well. Manage that queue implicitly with the append and merge options of scrollTo(), or perhaps call stopScroll() explicitly when really necessary, and leave it at that.

If you need to link up with other, non-scroll animations, callbacks like complete give you the means to do so.

Retrieving the maximum scrollable distance within an element

You can query the maximum distance that the content of an element can be scrolled, in case you need it for some calculations of your own. That value is the size of the content minus the inner size of the element or window.

Coming up with that value is an easy task, but there are some pitfalls when dealing with a window in particular. Hence there is $elem.scrollRange(), which takes care of the quirks.

// For a single axis, scrollRange() returns a number
v = $elem.scrollRange( "vertical" );
v = $elem.scrollRange( "v" );
v = $elem.scrollRange( "y" );

h = $elem.scrollRange( "horizontal" );
h = $elem.scrollRange( "h" );
h = $elem.scrollRange( "x" );

// For both axes, scrollRange() returns a hash of the results
// in the format { vertical: ..., horizontal: ... }
hash = $elem.scrollRange( "both" );
hash = $elem.scrollRange( "all" );
hash = $elem.scrollRange( "vh" );   // or "hv"
hash = $elem.scrollRange( "xy" );   // or "yx"

// When called without an axis argument, scrollRange() defaults 
// to both axes and returns a hash
hash = $elem.scrollRange();

As always, you can use the vertical axis names "vertical", "v", "y" interchangeably. For the horizontal axis, "horizontal", "h" and "x" are equally valid. For both axes at once, you can use "both", "all", "vh" or "hv", "xy" or "yx", or you can just omit the axis argument altogether.

Please remember that despite all that flexibility with names during input, when the result is returned as a hash, its properties are named horizontal and vertical.

Getting the scrollable element

Well, finally there is the method which gave the plugin its name. A call to $elem.scrollable() returns the element used for the scroll animation.

  • When called on an ordinary HTML element, the result is uninteresting – all you get back is the element itself.
  • For document/body/html/window, either body or documentElement is returned, depending on the browser.
  • When called on an iframe element, you get the scrollable element for content window.

The result is wrapped in a jQuery object.

It should go without saying that the result is established with feature testing, not browser sniffing, and is based on the actual behaviour of the browser.

Browser support

jQuery.scrollable has been tested with

  • 2015, 2016, 2017 versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera on the desktop
  • IE8+, Edge
  • Safari on iOS 8-10, Chrome on Android 5
  • SlimerJS

IE8 can't handle the heavily asynchronous character of the unit tests. It has been tested manually instead, using the AMD demo (run it with grunt demo).

Build process and tests

If you'd like to fix, customize or otherwise improve the project: here are your tools.


npm sets up the environment for you.

  • The only thing you've got to have on your machine (besides Git) is Node.js. Download the installer here.
  • Clone the project and open a command prompt in the project directory.
  • Run the setup with npm run setup.
  • Make sure the Grunt CLI is installed as a global Node module. If not, or if you are not sure, run npm install -g grunt-cli from the command prompt.

Your test and build environment is ready now. If you want to test against specific versions of jQuery, edit bower.json first.

Running tests, creating a new build

Considerations for testing

To run the tests on remote clients (e.g. mobile devices), start a web server with grunt interactive and visit http://[your-host-ip]:9400/web-mocha/ with the client browser. Running the tests in a browser like this is slow, so it might make sense to disable the power-save/sleep/auto-lock timeout on mobile devices. Use grunt test (see below) for faster local testing.

Tool chain and commands

The test tool chain: Grunt (task runner), Karma (test runner), Jasmine (test framework). But you don't really need to worry about any of this.

A handful of commands manage everything for you:

  • Run the tests in a terminal with grunt test.
  • Run the tests in a browser interactively, live-reloading the page when the source or the tests change: grunt interactive.
  • If the live reload bothers you, you can also run the tests in a browser without it: grunt webtest.
  • Run the linter only with grunt lint or grunt hint. (The linter is part of grunt test as well.)
  • Build the dist files (also running tests and linter) with grunt build, or just grunt.
  • Build continuously on every save with grunt ci.
  • Change the version number throughout the project with grunt setver --to=1.2.3. Or just increment the revision with grunt setver --inc. (Remember to rebuild the project with grunt afterwards.)
  • grunt getver will quickly tell you which version you are at.

Finally, if need be, you can set up a quick demo page to play with the code. First, edit the files in the demo directory. Then display demo/index.html, live-reloading your changes to the code or the page, with grunt demo. Libraries needed for the demo/playground should go into the Bower dev dependencies – in the project-wide bower.json – or else be managed by the dedicated bower.json in the demo directory.

The grunt interactive and grunt demo commands spin up a web server, opening up the whole project to access via http. So please be aware of the security implications. You can restrict that access to localhost in Gruntfile.js if you just use browsers on your machine.

Changing the tool chain configuration

In case anything about the test and build process needs to be changed, have a look at the following config files:

  • karma.conf.js (changes to dependencies, additional test frameworks)
  • Gruntfile.js (changes to the whole process)
  • web-mocha/_index.html (changes to dependencies, additional test frameworks)

New test files in the spec directory are picked up automatically, no need to edit the configuration for that.

Facilitating development

To my own surprise, a kind soul wanted to donate to one of my projects, but there hadn't been a link. Now there is.

Please don't feel obliged in the slightest. The license here is MIT, and so it's free. That said, if you do want to support the maintenance and development of this component, or any of my other open-source projects, I am thankful for your contribution.

Naturally, these things don't pay for themselves – not even remotely. The components I write aim to be well tested, performant, and reliable. These qualities may not seem particularly fascinating, but I put a lot of emphasis on them because they make all the difference in production. They are also rather costly to maintain, time-wise.

That's why donations are welcome, and be it as nod of appreciation to keep spirits up. Thank you!

Donate with Paypal

Release Notes


  • Updated jQuery dependency constraint for jQuery 3.2


  • Updated jQuery dependency constraint for jQuery 3.1


  • Updated dependencies, including jQuery to jQuery 3


  • Introduced messages to callbacks
  • Added cancelled messages with values "replace", "merge", "click", "scroll"
  • Added notifyCancelled option to scrollTo(), stopScroll()
  • Added $.fn.notifyScrollCallbacks()


  • Added support for the document.scrollingElement API


  • Fixed the issue of slow animations when scroll distance is short, by introducing a default minimum speed
  • Added lockSpeedBelow option and global $.scrollable.lockSpeedBelow setting


  • Made scroll animations abort automatically when the user clicks or taps
  • Added ignoreUser option


  • Made scroll animations abort automatically when the user scrolls
  • Added global $.scrollable.userScrollThreshold setting, userScrollThreshold option
  • Fixed detection of alternative axis names in axis option
  • Fixed miscalculation of relative positions in append, merge mode


  • Made scrollTo skip redundant animations (start and target positions being the same)


  • Added merge mode
  • Enabled use of merge, append modes in any queue
  • Fleshed out the test suite


  • Got rid of queue reordering in favour of info entries on sentinels
  • Reorganized the plugin code


  • Switched cores, now using feature testing
  • Improved demo


  • Fixed appended animations with relative targets
  • Fixed $.fn.scrollRange(), added default for axis argument
  • Improved readme, demo


  • Made axis specification obsolete when target is obvious
  • Removed auto start for user-defined custom queues
  • Fixed readme


  • Initial development, documentation, demo



Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Michael Heim.