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HasGeek Hacknights
The commenting code in Hacknight is poorly implemented. It should be replaced with Flask-Commentease. Data on the current hacknight server should also be migrated to Commentease, but that can be...
All models need to implement `__repr__` to aid in debugging. The output from this method should be like this: ``
Hacknight currently grants admin rights only to a Profile's owners (for Org profiles). It should allow other Teams or Users to have access on a per Profile or per Event...
Under http://hacknight.in/droidconin/2012/manage , the "reason to join" field is being truncated while being displayed on screen. My only option is to copy paste it to a text file and read...
Currently `New Project` link is placed at the bottom above the map, it would be better if the link is available in right sidebar.
Example: http://hacknight.in/jsfoo/2012/manage Look for participant name : `Tanushree Jindal`, description isn't displayed fully, this may be due to width of the div, but full text can be seen using InspectElement.