> hello, i did so,but it still did not work, > And i get some logs, using what you said "-v", please have a look :D thanks you very much...
> Hi, I'm back to trying to use this again. I'm sorry to tell you that, unfortunately, it still didn't work for me on this new version. It did appear...
me too
I met the same error, any update about this problem? thanks
> Currently, Linux is missing driver support for the changes Apple made to the USB ethernet implementation for iOS 17. We have been cooperating with other cool kids on the...
> I've tried applying the patch to my computer (kernel, as well as usbmuxd), and didn't have any issues doing that. However, I've been trying to use pymobiledevice3 INSIDE a...
@jordus100 thanks a lot for the information, I put the config file ethusb-ios.ncconnection with your quoted contents (just delete the ";" mark in [match] section) in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections with permissions 600,...
@jordus100 I succeed to connect to ios 17 device with your guide finally, thanks again, the key point is to enable the driver before build the kernel: - with "make...