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A c# based DOT (graphviz) framework
Autogenerated code should contain only placeholder files in git and code should be generated during build time and should be ignored using gitignore. Also autogen code should have a mark/comment...
File: Resources\test\Issues\[Load Digraph] Node present as string is tokenized to different nodes\flowchart2.dot The node `{ rank = same; "past"; "SCCS"; "make"; "Bourne sh"; "yacc"; "cron"; }` is read as: ```...
If only node exist without attributes, print in same like. Example: `b -- { c e };` should not print as: ``` b -- subgraph { c; e; } ```...
Possibly preserve subgraph keyword. If not present, should not add to file. For example: Input: `b -- { c e };` The dot read should not have "subgraph" like: ```...
Files: Resources\test\[LoadDigraph] Colour attribute does not take multivalue\multi_color.dot Attributes with multiple values do not take all the present values: `graph { ethernet [ color = "green, brown, red, black", label...
File: Resources\test\graphviz\flowchart2.dot Add size attribute for graph
Support multitypes in attributes, for example, an attribute can have bool as well as string and currently we provide a single attribute.
File: Resources\test\renenyffenegger\simple_node_edge.dot
This will add all the optional characters and print the graphs in a well structured manner