Harsh Raj
Harsh Raj
### Description Write a program to convert standard date format to julian date and vice-versa A Julian date is a way of displaying a date that combines the current year...
### Description Write a program to convert string to consonantcase Consonantcase is a style of writing in which all consonants are converted to uppercase and all vowels are converted to...
### Description Write a program to find average of numbers by recursion Average of numbers is the sum of all numbers divided by the number of numbers. For example, the...
### Description Write a F# program to implement jump search Like Binary Search, Jump Search is a searching algorithm for sorted arrays. The basic idea is to check fewer elements...
### Description Write a program to implement jump search Like Binary Search, Jump Search is a searching algorithm for sorted arrays. The basic idea is to check fewer elements (than...
### Description Write a Haskell program to find average of numbers by recursion Average of numbers is the sum of all numbers divided by the number of numbers. For example,...
### Description Write a Haskell program that converts a string to a sentence case. Sentence case is a style of writing in which the first letter of the first word...
### Description Write a program to print pattern 1 ``` Input : 5 Output : 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5...
### Description Write a program to convert decimal to hexadecimal Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system. It uses sixteen digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,...
### Description Write a program to find the rank of a matrix The rank of a matrix is the dimension of the vector space generated by its columns. The rank...