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[Python3.6] IEEE Paper "Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems" by Koren,Bell,Volinsky


license Python 3.6

IEEE paper "Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems"

- Yehuda Koren, Robert Bell, Chris Volinsky

Python 3.6

Links to original paper published by IEEE Computer Society : [1], [2]

Link to Netflix Dataset Used : [1]


  1. Presentation.pdf : Explains the paper. Was written in Latex Beamer, tex code is in presentation.tex

  2. : The final recommender. Includes biases and regularization. Requires to be imported to run. Use directly on any dataset by changing line 19 in

  3. shows how exactly Matrix Factorization Techniques work by considering a 5x5 toy dataset.

  4. The .ipynb_ files include visualizations of RMSE decreasing with iterations when fitting on the training dataset. All .ipynb files are standalone and do not require importing

  5. feasible_data_n.txt : Files with only the first n datapoints from whole dataset. Used for Testing.

  6. Training and Testing Data :
    Not given separately. Program randomly separates k% of data as Test data, trains on remaining, then tests on the k% values. Default k=20, can be changed on line 154.

Error Analysis
