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Data Science Lab - SS - 2019

Data Science Lab - SS - 2019

Total alerts Language grade: Python


    This script will go through all the JSON files in dataset folder, and will only store the tweet if it matches following criterias:
    - extended_tweet is NOT null
    - lang is en (English)
    - Tweet contains word(s) defined in keyWords list
    It will not store all the details of a particular tweets, but only the features we require for our purpose:
    - Twitter User Desciption
    - Tweet
    All this information will be stored in csv format (saved as all_data.csv).

    Since we need to manually annotate all the selected tweets, this script will provide a simple command line interface to help with that.
    This will present the user with a tweet (from all_data.csv, line by line), user will input 1 or 0 where:
    - 1: Tweet is migration relevant
    - 0: Tweet is NOT migration relevant
    Once the user will hit enter, label will be stored in train_label.csv.

  3. annotation.ipynb
    This notebook trains and performs evaluation on the labelled data.
    Pipeline (for now):
    - Import data, and remove rows with null values in any columns
    - Balance the dataset using SMOTE
    - Prepare TF-IDF and Doc2Vec feature extraction techniques
    - Provide appropriate data and labels to both the techniques, train classifiers using retrieved feature vectors
    - Perform classification on a seperate validation set
    - Print and Plot results!