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Highly cited research papers on the topics of Internet architecture, software-defined networking, data center networks, and multimedia content delivery.

Topics in Networks

All these texts are from the CS 544 course at IIT Guwahati.

Syllabus: Highly cited research papers on the topics of Internet architecture, software-defined networking, data center networks, and multimedia content delivery.

Reference Books:

  1. [PD] L. L. Peterson and B. S. Davie, "Computer Networks: A Systems Approach", 5th Ed., Elsevier India, 2009.
  2. [KR] J. Kurose and K. Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach", 5th Ed., Pearson India, 2009.

Reading List:

How to Read a Paper: If you are completely new to reading papers, you can start by reading this well know commentary "How to read a paper" by S. Keshav in ACM SIGCOMM CCR, July 2007.

Week 1: Design Principles of Internet

  1. J. Saltzer, D. Reed, and D. Clark, "End-to-End Arguments in System Design" ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1984.
  2. D. Clark, "The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols" Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, Aug. 1988.

Week 2: <Lecture>

Week 3: Congestion Control

  1. Van Jacobson, "Congestion Avoidance and Control", Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 1988.
  2. J. Padhye, "Modeling TCP Throughput: A Simple Model and its Empirical Validation", Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 1998.

Week 4: Modern Congestion Control

  1. S. Ha, I. Rhee, and L.Xu, "CUBIC: A New TCP-friendly High-speed TCP Variant", ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review July 2008.
  2. Linux TCP (No Review to be submitted)

Lecture: TCP in Data Center Networks

Week 5: TCP in Data Center Networks

  1. Md. Alizadeh, "Data Center TCP (DCTCP)", Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2010.

Lecture: Load Balancing and Multipath TCP

Week 6: Load Balancing in Data Center Networks

  1. C.Raiciu, "How Hard Can It Be? Designing and Implementing a Deployable Multipath TCP", Proceedings of USENIX NSDI 2012.
  2. Md.Alizadeh, "CONGA: A Distributed Congestion-Aware Load Balancing for Data Center Networks", Proceedins of ACM SIGCOMM 2014.

Lecture: Primer to Software Defined Networking

Week 7: Preliminary Efforts to SDN

  1. M. Casado, "Ethane: Taking Control of the Enterprise", Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2007.
  2. A. Greenberg, "A Cleanslate 4D Approach to Network Control and Management", ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2005. (No Review Required)
  3. N. Mckeown, "OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks" ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2008.

Week 8: SDN Controller

  1. N. Gude, "NOX: Towards an Operating Systems for Networks", ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2008. (Only Reading: No Review Required)
  2. T. Koponen, "Onix: A Distributed Control Platform for Large-scale Production Network", Proceedings of USENIX OSDI 2010.

Guest Lecture on Thursday by Dr. R. Kuldeep, Xerox Research India.

Week 9: SDN Applications

  1. S. Jain, "B4: Experience with a Globally-deployed Software Defined WAN", Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2013.
  2. T.Koponen, "Network Virtualization in Multi-tenant Data Centers", Proceedings of USENIX NSDI 2014.

Week 10: Multimedia Content Delivery

Background Reading:

  1. Chapter on Multimedia Networking from [KR]

  2. A.C.Begen, T.Akgul, and M.Baugher, "Watching Video over the Web: Part 1: Streaming Protocols", Vol. 15, No.2, IEEE Internet Computing 2011.

  3. T. Huang, "Confused, Timid, and Unstable: Picking a Video Streaming Rate is Hard", Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2012.

Week 11: Adaptive Streaming

  1. S. Akshabi, A.C. Begen, and C. Dovrolis, "An Experimental Evaluation of Rate-adaptation Algorithms in Adaptive Streaming over HTTP", Proceedings of ACM MMSys 2011.