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Harsh Singh

16yo web developer and designer

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๐Ÿš€ Quickstart

Run the website locally

git clone https://github.com/harshhhdev/harshhhdev.github.io.git

Setting up the project

cd harshhhdev.github.io

# Install deps

Setting up the environment

Now, rename .env.EXAMPLE to .env

First, create a new database from CockroachDB serverless and paste the connection string in DATABASE_URL.

Register a new Spotify application, and paste your credentials onto the proper fields. Next, obtain a REFRESH_TOKEN by following this tutorial.

Finally, head over onto GitHub, and go into Settings > Developer Settings > OAuth apps and hit "New OAuth App". Configure the app to your needs, and copy/paste the information onto your .env file accordingly.

Starting server

yarn dev

Server should now be running on localhost

๐Ÿ”จ Tools Used

๐ŸŒŽ Adding Translations

Interested in contributing to this repository? Add translations for a language you know!

First, go into the public directory and create a new folder with the code of your language. Inside that, create a new file called common.json. Paste the file from public/en/common.json to get a template of what the content in English would be, then begin to translate it into the language of your choice!

Special thanks to:

๐Ÿคž Contributing

After setting up the project, and making changes:

git add .
git commit -m "commit message"