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Query for proximity search in a radius to find n-nearest
Is it possible with the current API (I didn't find a way yet), given a Lat/Lon (WGS84) point "A" and a set of similar coordinates, find for a specific radius (e.g.: 1 Mile) the first 100 nearest points around "A"?
In case it helps, in Mongo would be similar to: db.myData.find({ "location.coordinates" : { $near : { $geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 52.4702062,-0.2836129 ] }, $minDistance: 0, $maxDistance: 1600 } }, limit:100 })
@danfran , we haven't added the distance measure to the API yet. It is in one of the branches and we will cut a new release within the next 3 weeks which should have this feature.
Did this feature make it to release harsha2010:magellan:1.0.4-s_2.11 ?
I'm also curious whether this is an undocumented or upcoming feature. Thank you!
@jak2030 @pvanickova i haven't added this yet..nearest neighbor search is targeted for 1.0.6 (as it needs indexing to do this efficiently) I am working on nearest neighbor search this week, I expect a first cut PR to be ready in a week What is your use case? Are you willing to share some data to test and benchmark performance on? How many points do you need to compute kNN on, for example? What kind of resource constraints? Better yet, your use case description would be great as it will help in designing the algorithm