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Webpack 5 Boilerplate for JS/React/TS apps.
Webpack 5 Max (JS/React/TS)
:zap: Webpack 5 Boilerplate for JS/React/TS apps.
:link: Demo on CodeSandbox
- 5 config files with all possible settings
- common
- common + development
- common + production
- common + production + pwa
- common + production + analyze
- React Todo App example
- actions: add, complete, remove, edit, update
- filters: all, active, completed
- controls: mark all todos as completed, clear all completed todos
- state management: useContext/useReducer
- styling - react-bootstrap
- type checking - prop-types
- HTML template with all meta & link tags for SEO
- don't forget to change values in HtmlWebpackPlugin templateParameters object
- browserconfig.xml, robots.txt, sitemap.xml
- service-worker & manifest.json
- don't forget to change values in manifest.json
- netlify.toml with all security headers
You can easily add settings for Vue or Angular components.
- install deps
yarn add -D vue-loader vue-template-compiler
# or
npm i -D yarn vue-loader vue-template-compiler
- add following to config/webpack/common.js
const VueLoaderPlugin = require('vue-loader/lib/plugin')
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.vue$/,
loader: 'vue-loader'
plugins: [
new VueLoaderPlugin()
- install dep
yarn add -D angular2-template-loader
# or
npm i -D angular2-template-loader
- change following in config/webpack/common.js
test: /.tsx?$/i,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: [babelLoader, 'ts-loader', 'angular2-template-loader?keepUrl=true']
# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/harryheman/Webpack5-Max.git
# install deps
# or
npm i
Development Server
yarn start
# or
npm start
Production Bundle
yarn build
# or
npm run build
Production Bundle PWA
yarn pwa
# or
npm run pwa
Production Bundle Analyzer
yarn analyze
# or
npm run analyze
This project is open source and available under the MIT License