PC-Gaming-Redists copied to clipboard
Automated wget script to download and install all .Net/VC++ redistributables required for PC Gaming + a few other tools (like 7zip, Powershell, etc.) Scorched earth redists policy.
PC Gaming Redistributable Packages AIO Installer
- Written by @harryeffinpotter & greatly improved upon by the legendary @skrimix.
Option 1) Download Install.bat and double click it to run it (DON'T RUN AS ADMIN!).
Option 2) Open a regular PowerShell (DON'T RUN AS ADMIN) and run the following one-liner:
iwr -useb https://raw.githack.com/harryeffinpotter/PC-Gaming-Redists-AIO/master/Install.ps1 | iex
(since 04-12-2024)
If for whatever reason when you try to run the script you get this error (Click to view), simply click here to download WinGet.msixbundle, run it, and click Update/Install. Then try either option above again.