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How can I block some default printed caption in summaryM
Dear Prof Harrell
I would like to exclude some default printed caption in summaryM
when I apply latex()
, for example,
a b c represent the lower quartile a, the median b, and the upper quartile c for continuous variables. x ± s represents X ̄ ± 1 SD. N is the number of non-missing values.
or , event better, to be able to submit my own string (in different language).
How can I reach it?
Thanks beforehand.
See the insert.bottom
argument to latex.summaryM
Yes, I have read the manual , and tried to set insert.bottom
but it does not give the result I wanted.
Please add detail including the code, the desired result, and the result obtained by the code.
Here is my example
out_tab2 <- summaryM(Var1 + Var2 + Var3 ~ 1 ,data=tab2)
latex(out_tab2, file='', npct="both",prmsd=TRUE, middle.bold=TRUE, digits=1, append=FALSE, caption="\\textit{Dati preioperatori}", size="script size", pdig = 2,what='%', legend.bottom = T, insert.bottom = F)
So I don't want to include the part of a b c represent the lower quartile a, the median b, and the upper quartile c for continuous variables. x ± s represents X ̄ ± 1 SD. N is the number of non-missing values.
just under the table, for me it is fine the tests' names and reference to them.
PS: I am writing in Italian
The insert.bottom
argument can also take a character string. Use insert.bottom = ""
to print nothing, or supply your own string.
Thanks @couthcommander it works.
Can I ask other question on same table as you see above (previous comment of mine), pdf that is generated from rmd -> latex-> pdf trows out this wired output
%latex.default(cstats, title = title, file = file, append = TRUE, caption = finalcaption, rowlabel = rowlabel, table.env = (!tabenv1 && table.env) || (tabenv1 && istr == 1), col.just = col.just, numeric.dollar = FALSE, insert.bottom = finallegend, rowname = lab, dcolumn = dcolumn, extracolheads = extracolheads, extracolsize = NNsize, = if (strat != “.ALL.”) strat, . . . )%
Rmd chunks is
latex(out_tab1,file='', npct="both",prmsd=TRUE, middle.bold=TRUE,digits=1, append=FALSE, caption = "\\textit{Dati preioperatori}",size = "scriptsize",pdig = 2,what = '%',
legend.bottom = T,
insert.bottom = "BSA: Superfice corporea; ACEF: ")
First of all what is it, I have been using Hmisc year, this is first time I see this kind of behaviour. Thanks beforehand