Haroldo de Oliveira Pinheiro
Haroldo de Oliveira Pinheiro
The current boolean expression blocks do not take into account bBasic's limitations for such expressions: > The third type of if…then is a complex or compound statement, that is, one...
Original request: > [Nolan0027](https://itch.io/profile/nolan0027)[20 hours ago](https://itch.io/post/9964542) (edited)(+1) > > Maybe next update could add sprites? And stuff to make different kinds of games like platformers and stuff, that'd be pretty...
This is a continuation of #5 See: https://www.randomterrain.com/atari-2600-memories-batari-basic-vbb.html#music_and_sound_editor See also: https://alienbill.com/2600/atari-riff-machine/