Haris Zafeiropoulos
Haris Zafeiropoulos
In dynamic FBA (dFBA) [doi: [10.1016/S0006-3495(02)73903-9](https://doi.org/10.1016%2FS0006-3495(02)73903-9)] we have an issue when going from a step to the next regarding the non uniqueness of the FBA solutions. In the DFBAlab approach...
I try to train using this command from tutorial: java -Xmx1g -jar /path/to/classifier.jar train -o mytrained -s samplefiles/new_trainset.fasta -t samplefiles/new_trainset_db_taxid.txt -c gene_copynumber.txt cp samplefiles/rRNAClassifier.properties mytrained/ However, I get an error...
Hi there. I was wondering if there's any way one could get the model's reactions that belong to a certain pathway as in the following screenshot from the web interface:...
Hi! Using the attached `.faa` file and through the ModelSEED platform I built the also attached `.sbml` growing model. I am now trying to reproduce that through the CLI and...
Hi there! Thanks a lot for the great resource!! :+1: I may have found something funny but since I am not sure if it's a system-dependent issue apologies in advance...