neovim-konsole copied to clipboard
Wrapper script and config files to use neovim+konsole as a normal gui text editor
deprecation notice
I no longer use use Neovim+Konsole so, I do not maintain this repo anymore. Just use Alacritty with necessary configurations . For eg: see my dot files
This is a wrapper script and configurations files for running nvim as gui text editor in my Ubunutu desktop.
I tried to avoid most of key-binding limitations of a console vim. this wrapper enable us to use
- <C-S>
- <C-PageUP>, <C-PageDown>
- <C-S-PageUp>, <C-S-PageDown>
- Able to map <CR> <C-CR> <C-S-CR> etc.. etc..
Then main reason to choose Konsole terminal emulator is its true-color support and its configurable keybinding mechanism
This repo also contains desktop configuration files and resized icons required for linux desktop environments
About true color support and cursor shape.
True color support
Before this breaking change,
Truecolor support was working by setting NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR
environment variable.
Now , it changed to set termguicolors
vim command.
Cursor shape
Before this breaking change, Cursor shape change was working by
- Setting
environment variable and, - executing vim command
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7" | let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=2\x7" | let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
inside vim.
Now, it is changed to following vim command
set guicursor=n-c:block,i-ci-ve:ver40,r-cr-v:hor20,o:hor50,a:blinkwait700-blinkoff400-blinkon250-Cursor/lCursor,sm:block-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175
Neovim uses some environment variables such as VTE_VERSTION
to detect vte based terminal such as gnome-termnal, KONSOLE_*
environment variables to detect konsole terminal
Since konsole is not compatible with DECSCUSR sequences, nvim talks to konsole in a different way.
if we are running nvim-konsole from gnome-termnal , unset VTE_VERSTION
is required for proper working of cursor shape. It is done by default by nvim-konsole
Install with installer-scripts install
Install manually
- cd Application_dir;
Mapping keycodes
Suppose a key binding ( Eg: <C-CR> ) is not able map in console vim. Then we can fix this in the following way
- Open any Neovim client which supports that key binding ( Eg: here, I opened Neovim python-client for GTK )
- enter
- then, enter
sed -n l
- Press your Key binding
- Now, you can see the corresponding terminal keycode for your shortcut.
- Now, Edit your Konsole keytab file ( @ $HOME/.kde/share/apps/konsole ) and add an appropriate entry.
Screen shot
Related links
- My Neovim config files ( )
- A fully configurable file manager called SpaceFM . Those who like Vim will also like this