hardenedlinux-zeek-scripts copied to clipboard
#+AUTHOR: GTrunSec #+EMAIL: [email protected] #+DATE: 10 August 2019 #+DESCRIPTION: #+KEYWORDS: IDS Zeek #+LANGUAGE: en cn #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
- Buding Zeek with Nix package manager
** Install Nix
#+begin_src sh :async t :exports both :results output curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | daemon
reload shell env
exec bash #+end_src
** Building Zeek's binary by Nix #+begin_src sh :async t :exports both :results output git clone https://github.com/hardenedlinux/zeek2nix nix-build
without clone
nix run github:hardenedlinux/zeek-nix#zeekTLS #+end_src
- deploy zeek with zeekctl
- enable Nix's flakes feature( for commands such as ~nix build~ and ~nix develop~, ~nix run~ etc. )
#+begin_src sh :async t :exports both :results output echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" | sudo tee -a /etc/nix/nix.conf #+end_src
#+begin_src sh :async t :exports both :results output sh pre-run-zeekctl.sh sudo ./result/bin/zeek deploy
check status
./result/bin/zeek status #+end_src
- DONE Deploy Zeek kafka topics with NixOS => Disnix or Do a kafka topics test.
sudo zeek -i
#+NAME: topics #+CAPTION: test #+ATTR_ORG: :width 500 #+ATTR_LATEX: :width 5in [[file:img/index.png]]
- Kafka's Zeek config files for Logstash [[https://github.com/hardenedlinux/debian-nix-manager/tree/master/elk/zeek-logstash][zeek-logstash]]
- CHANGES taking test with zeek -i ens
#+begin_src sh :async t :exports both :results output sudo zeek -i enp1s0 -C ~/project/hardenedlinux-zeek-script/scripts/local.zeek #+end_src
- Quickly start with zkg
#+begin_src sh :tangle yes sudo pip install bro-pkg ##zeek installation is owned by "root" user that was stored in /root/.bro-pkg sudo zkg autoconfig sudo zkg config script_dir sudo zkg config plugin_dir sudo zkg install https://github.com/hardenedlinux/hardenedlinux-zeek-script
echo '@load packages' | sudo tee --append /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/local.zeek
#or @load packages/hardenedlinux-zeek-script sudo zeekctl deploy
- TEST Environment
#+begin_src shell :tangle yes zeek -v zeek version 3.0.0-rc1
zeekctl status Name Type Host Status Pid Started manager manager running 9214 12 Aug 02:49:28 proxy-1 proxy running 9264 12 Aug 02:49:29 worker-1 worker running 1784 12 Aug 02:49:31 #+end_src
** VirusTotal-Check
[X] [public] [[file:scripts/files/known_hash.zeek]]
[X] [VT_API] [[file:scripts/files/vt_check.zeek]]
[X] [POSTGRESQL] [[file:scripts/files/virustotal.zeek]]
#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d testdb -c 'SELECT * FROM known_hash;'
id | ts | host | hash | known_file_types
1 | 1570941985.53655 | | 2dde1a34ac02478052b691bd18c89c7a13edc5f4 | application/x-dosexec
2 | 1570941985.53655 | | 60ff5bfec4df9f809817423b23536601 | application/x-dosexec
3 | 1570941988.84281 | | d25af249e01191f08f359b302db42414e0a4587e | application/x-dosexec
4 | 1570941988.84281 | | 9cf60bd41e6f235e12e3c761f5d2ef11 | application/x-dosexec
(4 rows)
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U myuser -d testdb -c 'SELECT permalink FROM virtustotal;'
https://www.virustotal.com/file/fc7eafb97431c3f45a0ced2c38e869f768234897874317ffb0755eb920316294/analysis/1565393170/ https://www.virustotal.com/file/8021b619c48d9017a2c3b0beddb1b48d067be75551a44a9d8b79c1daff78ede0/analysis/1560568105/ (2 rows) #+END_EXAMPLE
- [X] [TEST_LOG] [[file:scripts/files/log]]
Please see Install POSTGRESQL-analyzers:
[[https://github.com/hardenedlinux/Debian-GNU-Linux-Profiles/blob/master/NSM/INSTALL/analyzer.sh][Debian-GNU-Linux-Profiles/analyzer.sh at master · hardenedlinux/Debian-GNU-Linux-Profiles]]
** Known/hosts/domains
[X] [[file:scripts/protocols/dns/known-domains.zeek]] :Cluster::worker <2019-08-10 Sat 02:36>
- Test_log: [[file:scripts/protocols/dns/log/known_domain.log]]
[X] [[file:scripts/protocols/dns/manager-domains.zeek]] :Cluster::manager
add TEST ignore_dns list
[X] [[file:scripts/protocols/conn/known-hosts-with-dns.zeek]]
[[https://github.com/dopheide-esnet/zeek-known-hosts-with-dns/tree/master/scripts][zeek-known-hosts-with-dns/scripts at master · dopheide-esnet/zeek-known-hosts-with-dns]]
~@unload protocols/conn/known-hosts~
setting/local_net_field.zeek [Host_tracking = LOCAL_HOSTS/ALL_HOSTS]
[ ] [TODO] [[file:scripts/vlan-info/vlan-data.zeek][VLAN_INFO]]
- Add area and adapted to known-hosts[LOCAL_HOSTS]
** Notice *** Setting IGNORE - Ignores the notice and won't even log it.
#+begin_src sh :async t SSL::Invalid_Server_Cert #+end_src
** Count & TOPK
[X] [15mins] TOP dns
[ ] [] TOP Unknow HTTP request
[ ] [] TOP metrics :top_size count 20 :talker_bin_size = 10000;
[ ] [10sec] TOP urls
[ ] [10sec] [] TOP talks