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vsh copied to clipboard

Store and replay shell sessions -- also output search/modification/undo/redo.

Results 20 vsh issues
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The method by which we define motion mappings has a slight downside for visual-mode mappings. I don't know of any way to fix this, but it's still good to record...

Originally these were purposefully not counted as jumps, but in use I've found that problematic and want to change that decision.

I've just added some preliminary powershell support (people at the new job use windows :-)). At the moment, running something like `python` on windows just hangs.

I had some trouble before with a lot of output, just try some things out for this.

When in visual selection mode, the mappings `ao` and `io` select the first output the current selection is in. Instead, they should expand the current selection. NOTE -- something similar...

Given the nature of vsh, it's much easier to forget what process is currently running in the foreground (python, gdb, bc, etc) and send a previously used command to the...

I don't like the current method of querying readline -- it can get affected by bash init files, and it's just very indirect. Look for a better way. Maybe write...

At the moment `io` and `ao` don't account for a count, so `d2ao` does the same as `dao`. All other text objects in vim take a count and do something...

Internally we use a letter mark to record where we're currently adding text. The user may change the position of this mark, which means the method is rather brittle and...

More customisation it would be nice to have.