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Emacs minor mode to swap keys easily.

  • keyswap.el Swap bindings between key pairs

This allows the easy toggling of bindings by turning off and on =keyswap-mode=. ** Install Install from =MELPA= (recommended) or download =keyswap.el=, add to emacs load-path with : (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/directory/containing/this/file/") then =require= the package. ** Usage Turn on =keyswap-mode= with : (keyswap-mode) keyswap is a minor mode that allows swapping the commands of two keys. It comes with a default set of keys to swap of the number keys and their shifted counterparts along with the '-' and '_' key. This is different to the function `keyboard-translate' as swaps may be done on a per-major-mode basis. This is generally useful in programming languages where symbols are more often used than numbers.

To use keyswap-mode, make sure this file is in the Emacs load-path: : (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/directory/or/file")

Then require keyswap: : (require 'keyswap)

To toggle between swapped and not-swapped sets of keys, use the command =(keyswap-mode)= or =M-x keyswap-mode=

Keys are swapped on a major-mode basis. If you change the swapped keys in one buffer these changes are propagated to all other major modes. ** Customisation The set of keys to swap is stored in the buffer local =keyswap-pairs= variable. This variable is an alist of vectors ready for passing to =define-key= that should be swapped when =keyswap-mode= is turned on. Its default is to swap all number keys and their shifted alternatives, along with the - and _ keys.

In order to change the current swapped keys one should modify this list with =keyswap-add-pairs= or =keyswap-remove-pairs=, and then run =keyswap-update-keys= like so : (keyswap-add-pairs ?: ?;) : (keyswap-remove-pairs ?- ?_) : (keyswap-update-keys)

Without running =keyswap-update-keys= the changes in =keyswap-pairs= will not be propagated into the action of =keyswap-mode=.

There are some provided hooks for common modifications of =keyswap-pairs= that modify the pairs to swap and call =keyswap-update-keys= accordingly. These are =keyswap-include-braces= to swap [ and ] with { and }, =keyswap-include-quotes= to swap ' with ", =keyswap-tac-underscore-exception= to not swap - and _, and finally =keyswap-colon-semicolon= to swap : and ;.

It is recommended to turn on =keyswap-mode= by default in programming buffers with : (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'keyswap-mode)

and then add modifications for each major-mode you desire accordingly, e.g.

#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE (with-eval-after-load 'cc-vars (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'keyswap-include-quotes))

(with-eval-after-load 'lisp-mode (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'keyswap-tac-underscore-exception) (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'keyswap-tac-underscore-exception)) #+END_EXAMPLE

To toggle between having keys swapped and not, just turn on and off =keyswap-mode=.

Some common packages like =paredit= change bindings on some keys. In order to keep the =keyswap-mode= mappings in sync it is recommended you add =keyswap-update-keys= to the relevant hook. : (add-hook 'paredit-mode-hook 'keyswap-update-keys)

One package that requires more than the normal amount of configuration is the =wrap-region= package. Because this changes the bindings on certain keys, it requires =keyswap-update-keys= to be in its hook. : (add-hook 'wrap-region-mode-hook 'keyswap-update-keys) Due to the way that it falls back to inserting a single character when the region is not active, you need an advice around =wrap-region-fallback= that ensures =keyswap-mode= is not on at the time it is called. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defadvice wrap-region-fallback (around keyswap-negate protect activate) "Ensure that keyswap-mode' is not active when wrap-region-fallback' is getting called." (let ((currently-on keyswap-mode)) (when currently-on (keyswap-mode 0)) ad-do-it (when currently-on (keyswap-mode 1)))) #+END_SRC

Though the conveniance functions don't account for key chords (e.g. =C-x j r=), the utility functions work well with them. Hence you can manually swap these with code similar to the below. : (push (cons [?\ ?r ?j] [?\ ?r ?\ ]) keyswap-pairs) : (keyswap-update-keys)

In order to have the same swapped keys in `isearch-mode' as in the buffer you're currently editing, you can add : (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook 'keyswap-isearch-start-hook) into your config.

To have swapped keys when using `avy', you can have : (with-eval-after-load 'avy (keyswap-avy-integrate)) in your config.