Harald Ng
Harald Ng
Currently, a follower [caches the promise](https://github.com/haraldng/omnipaxos/blob/e6ddc52db2a1abf3bb89392e76e5b2ba8b949db6/omnipaxos/src/sequence_paxos/follower.rs#L44) message so that we can resend it upon timeout in case it gets dropped. However, the promise might contain log suffix or snapshot so...
The storage trait should have better descriptions, especially related to the indexes e.g., whether `get_log_len` should return only the number of real entries or be calculated based on the compacted...
To further enhance the plug-and-play ability of omnipaxos, users should be able to provide their own desired logger. This could be done with https://crates.io/crates/log tracing: https://crates.io/crates/tracing
We would like to have an async API e.g. `append_notify()` such that when an entry is decided it can be notified to the user via a future/one shot channel. Ideally...
It seems like MultiPaxos leaders use the [`Participant` ](https://github.com/mwhittaker/frankenpaxos/blob/master/shared/src/main/scala/frankenpaxos/election/basic/Participant.scala) for leader election and initially set the leader to the server with [index 0](https://github.com/mwhittaker/frankenpaxos/blob/master/shared/src/main/scala/frankenpaxos/multipaxos/Leader.scala#L198). However, the Participant does not seem to...
As we previously [discussed](https://twitter.com/haraldng/status/1597270133562830848), the lack of details in the VR paper leaves some implementation details open. The differences in my interpretation of the state transfer are: 1. The `rep_last_normal_view`...