indent-guide-improved copied to clipboard
Failed to reload the indent-guide-improved package stylesheets
Hi @harai
I get these errors when I try to set the syntax theme to Kodex. Hope this is helpful.
Atom: 1.30.0 x64 Electron: 2.0.5 OS: Mac OS X 10.14 Thrown From: indent-guide-improved package 1.4.13
Stack Trace
Failed to reload the indent-guide-improved package stylesheets
At error evaluating function `mix`: color1.toHSL is not a function in /Users/rcrooks/.atom/packages/indent-guide-improved/styles/indent-guide-improved.less:16:20
LessError: error evaluating function `mix`: color1.toHSL is not a function
at /Users/rcrooks/.atom/packages/indent-guide-improved/styles/indent-guide-improved.less:16:20
-7:01.4.0 application:open (input.hidden-input)
2x -0:33.8.0 core:copy (input.hidden-input)
-0:32.6.0 core:paste (input.hidden-input)
Non-Core Packages
aligner 1.2.4
aligner-javascript 1.3.0
atom-beautify 0.33.0
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atom-ide-ui 0.13.0
atom-to-codepen 1.0.0
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camelcase-to-space 1.0.2
directory-color 0.3.0
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indent-guide-improved 1.4.13
intentions 1.1.5
javascript-snippets 1.2.1
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json-refs 0.1.3
kobalt2-syntax 0.2.0
kodex-syntax 0.1.1
language-apidoc 0.1.0
line-number-color 0.2.0
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linter 2.2.0
linter-js-yaml 1.3.0
linter-jsonlint 1.3.0
linter-ui-default 1.7.1
markdown-toc 0.4.2
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pear-dark-syntax 1.0.9
pigments 0.40.2
platformio-ide-terminal 2.8.4
rain-syntax 2.1.2
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