vdash icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vdash copied to clipboard

Safe Network Vault Dashboard

Safe Network node Dashboard

vdash is a terminal based dashboard for monitoring Safe Network nodes. It is written in Rust, the terminal GUI is implemented using ratatui and it monitors one or more node logfiles using linemux.

Status: working on Windows, MacOS and Linux with public and local test networks.

vdash can monitor multiple logfiles on the local machine, showing multiple metrics for each node including number of PUTS (chunks stored), current price being charged for storage, and node earnings. Many metrics appear both as numeric values and can be viewed in real-time graphical charts over time.

Discussion and Bug Reports

A Safe Network forum topic is the main forum for discussion: Vdash - Node dashboard for Safe Network

Bug reports and feature requests can be made in github issues.

Remote Monitoring

Remote logfiles could be monitored by using rsyslog to mirror them to the machine running vdash. This would allow multiple remote machines to be monitored from one machine. I have not tried using rsylog but have monitored nodes on a remote machine by using tail over ssh to mirror a remote logfile to the machine running vdash.

Here's an early vdash (v0.2.0) working with a local testnet node: screenshot of vdash v0.2.0


vdash will load historic metrics from one or more Safe node logfiles and display these with live updates in the terminal (see above). A list of keyboard commands is available by pressing '?', some of which are described below for the Summary and Node Status screens.

Summary of Monitored Nodes

'arrow keys': The up and down arrows select a row, containing data for one particular node. The left and right arrows select a column heading and sorts rows by the values in the selected column.

'space': Pressing the space bar toggles sort of the selected column between ascending and descending.

'enter': Switches the display to show Node Status of the node of the highlighted row.

'q': Press 'q' to quit.

'?': Shows help.

Node Status

'enter' Switches the display back to the Summary of Monitored Nodes.

'arrow keys': The left and right arrows shift the single node display between different nodes.

'i' and 'o': Zoom the timeline scale in/out using 'i' and 'o' (or '+' and '-').

't' and 'T': If some timelines are not displayed due to lack of vertical space you can cycle through the timelines to bring them into view by pressing 't' (forward) and 'T' (backward).

'm' or 'M': The Storage Cost timeline displays minimum, mean and maximum values in each time-slot. To cycle through the min, mean and max displays press 'm' or 'M'.

'q': Press 'q' to quit.

'?': Shows help.

Operating Systems

  • Linux: works on Linux (tested on Ubuntu).
  • Windows: works on Windows 10. Not tested recently.
  • MacOS: works on MacOS. Not tested recently.

Install using Linux package manager

vdash has been packaged for debian thanks to the generous efforts of Jonas Smedegaard. From 2024 it will begin to be available in many downstream Linux distributions, but due to the pace of updates the packaged version is likely to be behind the version published at crates.io which is always up to date.

You can check the status of package safe-vdash in your distribution and choose whether to install from there or get the most recent version as explained below.

Install from crates.io

1 Install Rust via https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html

2a. Linux (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install build-essential

2b. Linux/MacOS install vdash:

cargo install vdash
vdash --help

2c. Windows install vdash:

Windows has not been tested recently so you may like to try using cargo insall vdash first to see if that now works. If not, you will need to build using Rust Nightly.

Until the 'itarget' feature becomes part of 'stable', build manually and use the Rust Nightly compiler first install Rust Nightly using rustup:

rustup toolchain install nightly

To build vdash on Windows, clone vdash, build with +nightly and use the binary it creates under ./taget/release:

git clone https://github.com/happybeing/vdash
cd vdash
cargo +nightly build -Z features=itarget --bin vdash --release --no-default-features

./target/release/vdash --help

Using vdash - a Safe Network node Dashboard

vdash provides a terminal based graphical dashboard of Safe Network node activity on the local machine. It parses input from one or more node logfiles to gather live node metrics which are displayed using terminal graphics.

Get Safe Network pre-requisites

  1. Get Rust: see: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html

  2. Get the Safe CLI: either download using an install script or build the Safe CLI locally. Instructions for both options are here.

  3. Get the Safe node: when you have the Safe CLI working you can install the node software with the command safe node install (details here).

You are now ready to install vdash and can test it by running a local test network.


For help:

vdash --help

Typically you can just pass the paths of one or more node logfiles you want to monitor. For example, to run vdash first start your Safe Network node(s) with one or more safenode commands. Then, assuming their logfiles are in the standard location start vdash with:


vdash ~/.local/share/safe/node/*/logs/safenode.log


vdash "/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/safe/node/*/logs/safenode.log"


vdash C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\safe\node\*\logs\safenode.log

Keyboard commands for vdash are summarised in the introduction above.

vdash and 'glob' paths

vdash accepts one or more file paths, but you can also specify one or more 'glob' paths which can scan a directory tree for matching files. This enables you to pick up new nodes added after vdash starts, either using the 'r' (re-scan) keyboard command, or automatically by giving a re-scanning period using the --glob-scan option on the command line.

vdash scans all 'glob' paths provided on start-up and again whenever you press 'r'.

Note that unlike a file path you must use quotation marks around a 'glob' path to prevent the shell from trying to expand it. In the examples you will need to replace <USER> with the appropriate home directory name for your account.

Examples for Linux:

vdash --glob-path "/home/<USER>/.local/share/safe/node/*/logs/safenode.log"

vdash -g "$HOME/.local/share/safe/node/**/safenode.log" -g "./remote-node-logs/*/logs/safenode.log" --glob-scan 5

Using double rather than single quotes enables you to use '$HOME' in the path instead of giving the home directory explicitly.

Display of Token values

vdash shows node earnings and storage cost in terms of Safe Network tokens as 'nanos' or billionths of a token. It can though be made to display token values in a local currency (e.g. U.S. dollar, British pound etc). For this it needs a way to obtain the conversion rate for the currency and be told what symbol to use in the display (e.g. "$", "£" etc.).

You can do this by passing fixed values on the command line, or have vdash obtain live values using one of the supported web APIs.

Currency on the Command Line

Two options allow you to specify the conversion rate and symbol for your chosen currency.

For example, for a token value of 1.23 U.S. dollars you would use the following command line options:

--currency-symbol "$" --currency-token-rate 1.23

You can use the above to provide a default conversion and have live prices override this when available.

For more type vdash --help.

Live Prices via Web API

vdash can obtain the Safe Network token price in a specified currency from the Coingecko.com or Coinmarketcap.com web APIs provided you have an access key for the corresponding API. At this time, both offer both paid and free/demo API keys which you obtain by signing up for an account with those websites.

If you have keys for one or both of these services you must pass them to vdash on the command line as shown below.

In both cases a default polling interval is set by vdash that will not exceed the advertised number of API requests for a free API key, although this polling interval can be shortened by specifying the polling interval on the command line.

For more type vdash --help.


To have vdash obtain the token rate from Coingecko.com include the following on the command line and replace YOUR-API-KEY with the API key you obtained from the service.

--currency-apiname "GBP" --currency-symbol "£" --coingecko-key "YOUR-API-KEY"


To have vdash obtain the token rate from Coinmarketcap.com include the following on the command line and replace YOUR-API-KEY with the API key you obtained from the service.

--currency-apiname "GBP" --currency-symbol "£" --coinmarketcap-key "YOUR-API-KEY"

Safe Node Setup

pkill safenode
rm -rf ~/.local/share/safe/node

To start a node using safenode you should check you are using the correct parameters for your system setup.

When your node or nodes have started, run vdash, typically in a different terminal:

vdash --glob-path "$HOME/.local/share/safe/node/*/safenode.log"

Modify the above example for your setup, and include any additional command line options as required.

For example, to enable display of earnings and storage costs using local currency:

vdash --currency-apiname "USD" --currency-symbol "$" --glob-path "$HOME/.local/share/safe/node/*/logs/safenode.log"


  • pkill safenode makes sure no existing nodes are still running, and deleting the node directory prevents you picking up statistics from previous logfiles. If you leave the logfile in place then vdash will waste time processing that, although you can skip that process using a command line option.

Using vdash With a Live Network

If you want to try vdash with a live network, check to see if one is running at the Safe Network community forum releases category and follow the instructions in the first post of the relevant topic.

Once you have started some nodes you can monitor them all at once using the following command (Linux version):

vdash --currency-apiname "USD" --currency-symbol "$" --glob-path "$HOME/.local/share/safe/node/*/logs/safenode.log"

There's a very welcoming and knowledgeable community there so if you need any help don't be shy to ask. Post a request on the forum topic and someone will be sure to help you get things working.

Using vdash With a Local Test Network

First clone the Safe Network repository and change directory into the cloned copy:

git clone https://github.com/maidsafe/safe_network
cd safe_network

Then start a local test network using the instructions here.

You can then start vdash to display the status of the nodes in that network as follows:

vdash --currency-apiname "USD" --currency-symbol "$" --glob-path "$HOME/.local/share/safe/node/*/logs/safenode.log"

If you return to the instructions here you can obtain some tokens to pay for your file uploads, and try uploading some files again using the instructions at that link, and monitor the activity of your test network nodes using vdash.

Build (for Developers Only)

See Get Safe Network Pre-requisites.

Get code

git clone https://github.com/happybeing/vdash
cd vdash

Build - Linux / MacOS / Windows 10

Note: MacOS and Windows are untested but may 'just work' - please report success or failure in an issue.

cargo build --release

If built for target 'musl' vdash uses considerably less memory:

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Comparing memory use (using htop on Linux):

803M  9372 4716 x13 threads (release)
32768 6848 2440 x13 threads (release/musl)

Note: the above figures are out of date but illustrate the point.


Everything is GPL3.0 unless otherwise stated. Any contributions are accepted on the condition they conform to this license.

See also ./LICENSE