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A model layer for hapi integrating Objection ORM


A model layer for hapi integrating Objection ORM

Build Status Coverage Status

Lead Maintainer - Devin Ivy


npm install @hapipal/schwifty


See also the API Reference

Schwifty is intended for use with hapi v19+, nodejs v12+, Joi v17+, Objection v1 through v3, and knex v0.16+ (see v5 for lower support).

Schwifty is used to define Joi-compatible models and knex connections for use with Objection ORM. Those models then become available within your hapi server where it is most convenient. It has been tailored to multi-plugin deployments, where each plugin may set clear boundaries in defining its own models, knex database connections, and migrations. It's safe to register schwifty multiple times, wherever you'd like to use it, as it protects against model name collisions and other ambiguous configurations.

// First, ensure your project includes knex, objection, and sqlite3

// To get started you might run,
// npm install --save @hapipal/schwifty @hapi/hapi joi knex objection sqlite3

'use strict';

const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');
const Schwifty = require('@hapipal/schwifty');
const Joi = require('joi');

(async () => {

    const server = Hapi.server({ port: 3000 });

        method: 'get',
        path: '/dogs/{id}',
        handler: async (request) => {

            const { Dog } = request.models();

            return await Dog.query().findById(;

    await server.register({
        plugin: Schwifty,
        options: {
            knex: {
                client: 'sqlite3',
                useNullAsDefault: true,
                connection: {
                    filename: ':memory:'

    // Register a model with schwifty...

        class Dog extends Schwifty.Model {
            static tableName = 'Dog';
            static joiSchema = Joi.object({
                id: Joi.number(),
                name: Joi.string()

    await server.initialize();

    // ... then make a table ...

    const knex = server.knex();

    await knex.schema.createTable('Dog', (table) => {


    // ... then add some records ...

    const { Dog } = server.models();

    await Promise.all([
        Dog.query().insert({ name: 'Guinness' }),
        Dog.query().insert({ name: 'Sully' }),
        Dog.query().insert({ name: 'Ren' })

    // ... then start the server!

    await server.start();

    console.log(`Now, go find some dogs at ${}`);
