crumb copied to clipboard
Unable to add crumb token to payload with h2o2 proxy
Support plan
- is this issue currently blocking your project? (yes):
- is this issue affecting a production system? (no):
- node version: 12.16.2
- module version with issue: 8.0.0
- last module version without issue: 8.0.0
- environment (e.g. node, browser, native): browser
- used with (e.g. hapi application, another framework, standalone, ...):hapi application
- any other relevant information: h2o2 proxy
What are you trying to achieve or the steps to reproduce?
The front end is passing correctly the crumb token, the crumb token is stored inside the cookie.
Crumb plugin registry:
await HapiServer.register({
plugin: Crumb,
options: {
cookieOptions: {
isSecure: false
The proxy sent down the date as a Stream format; In the below code because the content is of type Stream
the request is forbidden.
if (!content ||
content instanceof Stream) {
throw Boom.forbidden();
This is my proxy
const setupProxy = (server, serviceUrl, proxyBasePath, useIdToken=false, whitelist=[]) => {
method: ['POST', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
path: proxyBasePath + '{service*}',
options: {
auth: config.authStrategies()
handler: {
proxy: {
passThrough: true,
mapUri: async (req) => {
const query = ? : '';
const servicePath = req.params.service;
const uri = serviceUrl + servicePath + query;
return { uri, headers };
Tried to change the option to be payload: 'data' with no luck
What was the result you got?
500 Internal Server Error
What result did you expect?
200 OK
I have same problem
I thought I hit the same issue recently while using Crumb in restful: true
mode. Then realised I wasn't passing the csrf token header in the request & all was good.
Here is my proxy route:
method: ['*'],
path: '/proxy/{path*}',
handler: {
proxy: {
passThrough: true,
mapUri: (request) => {
return {
uri: urlJoin(options.url, request.path,,
async onResponse(err, res, request, h) {
if (err) {
return h.response(err);
const response = h.response(res);
response.headers = res.headers;
response.header('X-CSRF-Token', request.plugins.crumb); // add csrf token header for restful crumb usage
return response;
Hope that's of help to someone.
p.s. I noticed @Ibabalola mapUri
was returning an undefined headers
which could have been causing the 500.