kableExtra copied to clipboard
row_spec() is not identifying right row numbers in data frame
I am attempting to create some blank tables in a pdf report. Users of these reports will have some tables which I will pre-poluate with data. Other tables will be for them to complete. In two different tables, I attempt to use the row_spec() function. In the first it works like a charm and the second keeps failing. ee below.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Working Example
race_eth <- c('American Indian or Alaskan Native',
'Black or African American',
'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander',
'Two or More Races ')
groups <- c('Students with Disabilities',
'Economically Disadvantaged',
'English Learners')
enrichment <- data.frame(Metric=c("Enrichment Courses Offered",
c('Subject area:','Subject area:','Subject area:','Subject area:'),
'Participation in Enrichment Courses',
'By Race/Ethnicity',
'By Student Groups',
Number=rep(' ',20),
Pct=rep(' ',20),
Number_=rep(' ',20),
Pct_=rep(' ',20),
Number=rep(' ',20),
Pct=rep(' ',20),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Correctly Formatted Table
kable(enrichment, col.names = c(' ','Number','Percent','Number','Percent','Number','Percent'),align = c('l',rep('c',6))) %>%
kable_styling("bordered",position = 'l') %>%
add_header_above(c("ENRICHMENT COURSES","School"=2,"District"=2,"State"=2)) %>%
row_spec(c(1,7,9,17),bold = T,color = 'white',background = 'blue')
Problem Table
materials <- data.frame(Metric = c("Literacy Materials",
rep(' ',4),
"Mathematics Materials",
rep(' ',4)),
update = rep(' ',10),
standards = rep(' ',10),
responsive = rep(' ',10),
title_1 = rep(' ',10),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
No color appears
kable(materials, escape = F,col.names = linebreak(c('INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS','Last\n updated','Level of standards-\n alignment','Level of cultural\n responsiveness','Used for Title I\n and/or Special Ed'),align = 'c')) %>%
kable_styling("bordered",position = 'l') %>%
row_spec(c(1,6),bold = T,color = 'white',background = 'blue')
Color not aligned with row numbers appropriately
kable(materials, escape = F,col.names = linebreak(c('INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS','Last\n updated','Level of standards-\n alignment','Level of cultural\n responsiveness','Used for Title I\n and/or Special Ed'),align = 'c')) %>%
kable_styling("bordered",position = 'l') %>%
row_spec(c(3,9),bold = T,color = 'white',background = 'blue')
Yeah, there is a known bug to in the method I used to solve repeated rows for latex tables. I'm working on that.
Thanks. I'll anxiously await the fix.
Has anyone identified a workaround to this problem other than populating all cells with a non-whitespace character?
I also just fill the empty cells with an invisible character (\,
works for Latex).
A fix for this bug would be appreciated however.