BMI160-Arduino copied to clipboard
I2C Initialization
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have utilized the code and patched it according to the configuration. However, I am unable to initialize the I2C using "BMI160.begin(BMI160GenClass::I2C_MODE, i2c_addr);".
May I check whether there is a solution to this?
Thank you.
I have the exact same issue, the module will not initialise on I2C or SPI, it gets stuck on init call
Actually this was solved by using PlatformIO instead of the arduino IDE, no idea what happend there 🤷
Hi, I have the same problem on arduino and on platformio I still get stuck on initialisation.
Whoever finds this problem here is how I solved it: add at the beginning of void setup() Wire.begin();
and function BMI160.begin(BMI160GenClass::I2C_MODE, i2c_addr); should be BMI160.begin(BMI160GenClass::I2C_MODE, Wire, i2c_addr); second argument in function should be Wire
Either example needs to be fixed or source.