
Results 23 comments of Jeremy

Same as i thought, and I will hava a look these days.

Orgnization/Company: zhangmen Location: ShangHai, China Contact: [email protected] Purpose/Scenario: Using CloneSet and AdvanceStatefulSet to deploy app on production env. We need in place and partial update.

@FillZpp Should we support this function in kubectl-kruise?

How about add an annotation to indicate which container was restarted by crr ?

```go type A struct { CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy"` } ``` 是这种类型吗

> 请问有进展吗? 最近有点忙,还没来得看😹

> 还有就是能不能根据MySQL里面的顺序排序呢 按顺序可能不太好做

@yann0917 能否提个 PR 合并到主分支呀

> > @yann0917 能否提个 PR 合并到主分支呀 > > 🤣 不行啊,分支差异太大了,很多冲突。 回头我研究下你代码,抄过来 🐶

Similar problem, yarn Installation continues to fail.