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Use the GPUImage library to apply pre-built and custom filters to images in Titanium

Titanium Image Filters

Use the GPUImage library to apply pre-built and custom filters to images in Titanium Edit Add topics.

Note: This module will likely be replaced by the Hyperloop-based cross-platform version.


Really all credits of this module should go to @BradLarson who made the amazing GPUImage library! There are over 125 built-in filters plus the ability to create own filters via shaders.


Right now, this module supports applying built-in filters to a still image:

var GPUImage = require('ti.imagefilters');
var imageName = 'test.jpg'

var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
    backgroundColor: '#fff'

var btn = Ti.UI.createButton({
    title: 'Apply Brightness Filter',
    top: 50

var img = Ti.UI.createImageView({
    image: imageName

btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
    var filter = GPUImage.createFilter({
        type: 'GPUImageBrightnessFilter',

        // Properties are optional and automatically
        // mapped to the native properties. Check out
        // the GPUImage documentation for possible values.
        properties: {
            brightness: 0.8
    var image = GPUImage.generateFilteredImage({
        image: imageName,
        filter: filter,
        callback: function(e) {



The module also supports all possible filter configurations. They are mapped to the properties attribute that expects an object of possible filter values. For example, the GPUImageBrightnessFilter supports the brightness property (see native docs here), so you would include it as seen in the above example. Simple as that!


I created an Android module project as well, which does nothing right now, but could use this library. Go ahead!