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ERROR in setScreenNameAndScreenClass - FA: Name must consist of letters, digits or _
Over the last few months I've started seeing errors when invoking the 'setScreenNameAndScreenClass' methods. I had been using strings with forward slashes in them for several years without issue, but after upgrading the FA module in the last year (I think when I jumped from android v3.x to v5.x), I started seeing errors like "FA: Name must start with a letter" or "FA: Name must consist of letters, digits or _". After looking at the Firebase docs, I did see that EVENT names must follow this format, but the strings themselves shouldn't be restricted by that. If I changed the 'screen name' string to something that met the alphanumeric and length requirements then I did NOT see the error. I noticed that Firebase had deprecated the 'setScreenName' method at some point - and suggested using the 'logEvent' SCREEN_VIEW event in its place, which is how the Ti FA module's 'setScreenNameAndScreenClass' method had been updated. However, after looking at the specific code, I saw a potential issue that might be causing the issue.
Using the Android version as an example (although I see the same thing on iOS as well) - specifically the TitaniumFirebaseAnalyticsModule.java file, on lines 120-2 we have this:
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(1);
bundle.putString(screenName, screenClass);
instance.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SCREEN_VIEW, bundle);
I think this makes it possibly view 'screenName' as an 'event type' and therefore needing the string restrictions (alphanumeric, <40 chars). But I think that should instead be something like this:
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString(Param.SCREEN_CLASS, screenClass);
params.putString(Param.SCREEN_NAME, screenName);
instance.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SCREEN_VIEW, bundle);
I'm not an Android dev, so I may be off on the specific syntax/usage, but I'm basing this off the SCREEN_VIEW (and SCREEN_NAME/SCREEN_CLASS) docs here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/android/com/google/firebase/analytics/FirebaseAnalytics.Event#public-static-final-string-screen_view
There may be something else going on, but I thought this might be at least a starting point. I'm not sure why else this occurs. This issue is causing all my custom screenviews to come through to Firebase as 'not set'. One work-around that I'm currently using is to manually set a 'screen_view' event using the Ti FA method 'logEvent'. That seems to work, but thought I would point this out.
Looking more closely at my Firebase console, it looks like these events ARE coming through as 'screen_view' events despite the error I'm seeing. It looks like all the 'screen_view' events associated with a '(not set)' screen name, have a corresponding 'screen_class' of TiActivity. And it almost looks like there's one '(not set)' for every manually tracked 'screen_view'. So now I'm thinking that the '(not set)' entries are due to 'automatic screen tracking', which seems to be on by default. It's all a bit confusing. It still doesn't explain WHY I see an "FA" error every time I invoke the 'setScreenNameAndScreenClass' method with a non-compliant string (non-alphanumeric chars and/or > 40 chars). And why that error goes away when I change it to a compliant, alphanumeric string.