iOS12-Siri-Shortcuts-Example copied to clipboard
It is a empty project
It is a empty project
I did not push my example project so far, it is expected for end of today!
Year,I read the SoupChef demo recently. But I have a question.
public protocol OrderSoupIntentHandling: NSObjectProtocol {
I didn't find a place to call this protocol.Do you read It?
It is a protocol that is generated from your intent definition. In this case, it is called ViewMagazineIntentHandling
and exposed the confirm
and handle
methods. As this is the next step here, they will be implemented over the next days.
@ChenZeBin I have made some progress over the days and am continuing next week. More to some soon!
@hansemannn Thanks,I will keep watching this project.
Hi,Do you know the upper limit for adding shortcut in an app?