Thats not going to solve the issue. it replaces the default. As you can see, my haproxy has duplicate entries for Local and Public. Why? This allows me to do...
How you go about doing it? Setting a default and setting a annotation(haproxy-ingress-proxy.pfsense.org/frontend) at the same time?
Thank you so much. Let me know if you want me to test it.
I just tested it, works as expected. Thank you so much!
I was trying to add a new ACL to one of the applications. This method did not work for me. I'm guessing only use_backend action is allowed? ``` haproxy-ingress-proxy.pfsense.org/frontendDefinitionTemplate: |-...
If it helps, this is the end goal I'm trying to get at Example: ``` acl shared-https-url-discovery path /.well-known/caldav /.well-known/carddav http-request redirect location /remote.php/dav/ code 301 if shared-https-url-discovery aclcrt_shared-https ```...
Yes, currently I didn't had any conflicts so I kept it on my shared frontend. Ideally this needs to be only apply to a single host/frontend
sorry for taking some time to get to this, have you seen this warning on 0.5.14? ``` 2023-10-09T15:44:32+00:00 plugin (pfsense-dns-haproxy-ingress-proxy): /v1/namespaces/network/ConfigMap/kpc-primary-kubernetes-pfsense-controller-store ADDED - 90085857 PHP Warning: Undefined array key "ha_acls"...
For anyone stumbling across this post and if you want to add acls and actions. This is my working example: ``` haproxy-ingress-proxy.pfsense.org/frontendDefinitionTemplate: |- { "ha_acls": { "item": [ { "name":...