obsidian-citation-plugin copied to clipboard
"Loading citation database" forever
Hi, I copy my .bib file in Vault and when I Ctrl+Shift E for the first time there is "Loading citation database" forever.
Any help, please?
The same file works perfectly in Sublime zk
same issue too
you may have the wrong citation database format selected in plugin.
Hi all, if you're still experiencing this issue, can you open the Obsidian developer console (Ctrl+Shift+I) and then reload obsidian (Ctrl+R)? Please watch the console (in the lower right) and let me know if you see any error messages appear here. Thanks!
Hi all, if you're still experiencing this issue, can you open the Obsidian developer console (Ctrl+Shift+I) and then reload obsidian (Ctrl+R)? Please watch the console (in the lower right) and let me know if you see any error messages appear here. Thanks!
After I tried this, it still said "loading citation database. Please wait..."
I had this issue too. I think it has something to do with using a relative path for the citation database. I have found that removing the initial forward slash of the path solves the problem:
i.e. instead of /path/more path/database.bib, I changed to path/more path/database.bib
This seems "wrong" to me, but it still works.
i have this issue. too. Did this:
**Update: Resolved. My filepath is wrong. i followed this tutorial: Citations Plugin in Obsidian - How to use
Hi all, if you're still experiencing this issue, can you open the Obsidian developer console (Ctrl+Shift+I) and then reload obsidian (Ctrl+R)? Please watch the console (in the lower right) and let me know if you see any error messages appear here. Thanks!
Here is what I got:
If you could kindly point out, where did I go wrong?
I ran into the same issue previously when I manually created my .bib / .json files in Obsidian. With the suggestion from @hans, I found the issue to be that the files created in Obsidian are Markdown format with extension .md, which covered the correct extensions. Removing ''.md'' fixed my problem.
I got this to work by removing a trailing space in the citation filename. It was there by mistake but hard to see (the developer console helped!).
I had this issue having my .bib file and vault located on iCloud Apple cloud storage service.
The path to any file inside iCloud is truly complicated. I was able to find the path of my .bib file in iCloud creating a fake new vault in the same folder of my .bib file. Obsidian shows the path to the vault in the "Open vault" dialog box. So I copied this path in the citations plugin config, and then deleted the fake new vault.
Another related issue is that, although I was able the first time to copy my .bib file in iCloud into a folder inside my vault, later it wasn't possible. I don't know the reason why. Nowadays I am not able to copy the .bib file inside the vault and I have it on the iCloud higher folder.
removing the / prefixing the path did the trick for me -- loading smoothly now
@sknecht This worked for me too.
I think the plugin could give a more useful error message when the .bib file isn't found. The error displays in the JavaScript console - it should be displayed in the plugin, too, instead of having the endless loading spinner.
Just a reminder. From my own experience, file names (not sure about folder names, but could be the same) with spaces couldn't be resolved. So "My\ Library.bib" won't be found.