Hanno Rein

Results 85 comments of Hanno Rein

That's correct. I think this implementation makes sense in some case, or is at least self consistent. But use it with caution. There are many potential conceptual pitfalls. Jacobi versus...

With only seeing "error" as an error message, I'm afraid I don't have enough information to help you. Can you post a full error message, your operating system, etc?

Hm. This shouldn't be a problem (and segmentation faults shouldn't happen at all). But I haven't tested it a lot myself. Do you have a short example that reproduces the...

Hi Metehan, an artificial satellite might complete 1e4 orbits in one year. Nevertheless, a 3 hour integration seems excessively long. To say anything else, you need to share your example...

It depends on what you want to do. If you are interested in the Earth and Moon system, it would make sense to put the Earth-Moon barycentre at the origin,...

In short: it's tricky to get a speed up in many cases. You'll need to find out what the bottleneck is. For example, try turning off collisions. I have myself...

I'm afraid I don't have an easy solution for you. They way forward would be to use a profiler to see where the bottleneck is, then trying to remove it.

I don't think this is correct. Nick is using `exact_finish_time = 0` so the times where he samples the simulation should not matter. To say more, I'd need a working...

Here's a simple example. Both runs return exactly the same position as expected. It might be that there's something else in Nicks code which breaks reproducibility. ``` import rebound import...

I did a quick test without REBOUNDx. That leads to reproducible results for me, independent on max_time. @dtamayo, can you think of anything that REBOUNDx does to make it non-reproducible?