copied to clipboard
Security Exception in A12
Getting exception: Fatal Exception: java.lang.SecurityException: Caller xxx needs to hold android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM to set exact alarms.
on line 86 in AlarmPingSender.kt
alarmManager.setExactAndAllowWhileIdle(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, nextAlarmInMilliseconds, pendingIntent)
Happens on A12 devices only if, Alarms & Reminders permission is turned off. Doc: link
@hannesa2 user can revoke the permission from app settings in Android 12 devices. You'll find "Alarms & reminders" option in App Info.
Please check "Check that your app still has permission" section of this doc.
This is a contribution open source project, and pull request are warmly welcome
Or maybe you give a try. It's without this permission and prevent from too much wake up of the device. But needs some more tests
Potential issue fixed with Working fine on local testing, will update if production app stands to expectations.
Please give it a try
@hannesa2 After adopting this solution, MQTT has been disconnecting every 2 minutes for me. Checking further on what is actually resulting in issue.
@hannesa2 let me know if this makes sense: Meanwhile I am verifying my use-cases, and will update on it.
After adopting this solution, MQTT has been disconnecting every 2 minutes for me
I probably understand why it's disconnecting every 2 minutes. Maybe a simple reconnect is the right solution. What's against this ?
Earlier it was not disconnecting at all even when ideal for >30 minutes. Same behaviour now with handler-looper approach.
Why was it disconnecting? Check starting two lines of PR description:
Maybe this will help ?
Hopefully solved with 🤞