Michael Han
Michael Han
Consider adding another wiki page similar as Paxos vs ZAB: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZOOKEEPER/Zab+vs.+Paxos This might be better than adding a doc using a pull request (let me know if you need wiki...
interesting. two quick questions: * zookeeper has some randomness in today's sync processor when snapshotting already, i am curious to know what's the short comings of existing approach that motivates...
Thanks for the pull request @BinyuHuang-nju , glad someone finally picked this up. I'll provide some feedback this week. Quick notes: >> how can I pass Travis CI building You...
> @hanm Maybe it would be inappropriate for me to ask the following questions under this PR. Now I am learning ZAB 1.0 and prepare to write spec. Could you...
> > 1. At line 630 in function 'syncWithLeader' In [Learner.java](https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/blob/master/zookeeper-server/src/main/java/org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/Learner.java), I see follower in phase SYNCHRONIZATION may receive PROPOSAL and COMMIT. But in paper, leader will add a new...
> @hanm There's one point I don't get. > > > When follower receives NEWLEADER, it will apply all previous queued proposals from leader atomically to its state machine. >...
@eolivelli do you want to give a look at this given you were tagged? If no issues I will merge this once we get a green build on per-merge job...
ok, I will merge after CI is back to good shape.
thanks for quick fix on CI issue @eolivelli ; looks like the test needs update to work with latest master. I'll do a rebase if @lvfangmin didn't have a chance...
@eolivelli https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/pull/1515 is rebased version, thanks.