BERT-token-level-embedding icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BERT-token-level-embedding copied to clipboard

Generate BERT token level embedding without pain

BERT token level embedding

This tiny script demonstrates how to generate BERT token level embeddings. As BERT use word piece as tokenizer, OOV will be segmented into several word pieces. This script has implemented 2 strategies to handle that case.

In the following chapters, we'll show how to generate BERT embeddings for each token without pain.

1. Install BERT server and download pre-trained BERT model

Run following command:

pip3 install bert-serving-server  # server
pip3 install bert-serving-client  # client, independent of `bert-serving-server`
cd uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/
bert-serving-start -model_dir . -pooling_strategy NONE -show_tokens_to_client -max_seq_len 256

2. Generate embeddings

Put the text you want to embed into input.txt :

Hello World !
I'm hankcs

Run, you will get a pickle file called output.pkl. It stores a list of numpy.ndarray

<class 'list'>: [array([[-0.10005677,  0.10111555,  0.3707362 , ..., -0.79261583,
        -0.29630244, -0.43822828],
       [-0.1717627 , -0.08768683,  0.57421064, ..., -0.43223655,
        -0.02188881, -0.2638072 ],
       [-1.2841692 , -1.4125137 , -0.92776453, ...,  0.26873824,
        -0.03885475,  0.14489302]], dtype=float32), array([[-0.28254002, -0.01273985, -0.2916504 , ..., -0.99867177,
         0.7456796 ,  0.3703635 ],
       [-0.8595818 , -0.09063847, -0.14206652, ..., -0.10226044,
         0.4216262 , -0.20428266]], dtype=float32)]

The i-th ndarray is the BERT embedding of i-th sentence, of size n x c, where n is the sentence length, c is the dimension of BERT embedding(usually 768 or 1024). For example, Hello World ! is embedded as 3x768 tensor, since it contains 3 tokens.

As you may notice, I'm hankcs is embedded as 2x768 tensor. My ID hankcs is a typical OOV, which is segmented to 2 word pieces.

'hank', '##cs'

Each word piece has its own vector. There are 2 strategies implemented as 2 functions to merge them into one:

  1. embed_last_token: Use the last word piece as the representation of whole token.
  2. embed_sum: Use the average vector instead.


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