Thanks to the Devs for the great package. I would second the above - a discussion / mention of the diversity metric in the docs would be extremely helpful, as...
Love the link! Super useful, thanks. Your take on the X sets * N samples is close, but in this case it's shotgun:taxonomy and shotgun:metabolic assignments, generated independent through different...
That's class! Was initially hoping for simple guidance on the propriety of doing this, so this is well beyond. I'll start cramming bugs into pipes and let you know how...
Thanks @antagomir. I've yet to find a solid mnemonic for the order in the CLR transform (hence the OP), but if I've got this correctly: Definition of the CLR (as...
Hey Devs & co., Thanks as ever for the hard work. Came across this issue today (#433, #570) - as stands `decostand(x, "rclr")` replaces the 0 values with the *average*...
Gentle post-yule pre-student bump.
Looking forward to whirling this also! Thanks as ever @antagomir . Re using it on HUMAnN as per above: > @antagomir Is this "robust.aitchison" distance suitable for humann3(https://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/humann/) output data,...