Harald Hanche-Olsen

Results 60 comments of Harald Hanche-Olsen

The failed attempt this morning were IPv6. But one has to read the logs carefully; there is no shortage of unwelcome clients out there trying to connect now and then....

My server is already on port 8883. That is the default port for this kind of service, isn't it? Anyway, the number of unwelcome clients is not all that large....

> What is the validity period of your self-signed CA certificate? 820 days. And 365 days for the server and client certs. But actually, that page is about _server_ certificates,...

Okay. I generated it with `openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key -name 'some text' -out client.otrp` (avoiding the renaming step) giving an empty password when prompted, and installed it...

Hmm, if I can believe my notes, it worked with an empty password last time I updated the certs. But never mind, I tried with a nonempty password, and got...

> if you installed the ca certificate in iOS but did not activate it in "Settings/About/Certificat Trust Settings" Ooh, I had missed that step somehow. (It is Settings→General→About⇒Certificate Trust Settings,...

I have searched for the place in the code where the error message I encounter is emitted. I found only [this one place](https://github.com/owntracks/ios/blob/051042354c9fd370b21347c2aa6db7716c922f8d/OwnTracks/OwnTracks/OwnTracksAppDelegate.m#L1478-L1491). If I understand this correctly, this _only_...

OK, tried the rename trick to no avail. I had the same thought earlier, so it's not the first time I tried it. Also, on earlier attempts, I even went...

FYI, I have given up on getting to the bottom of why I can't import certificates anymore. While owntracks has been very useful to me for a couple years, it...

Another idea is to make dynamical variables lexically distinct. Borrowing from Common Lisp, there is no lexical distinction in the language, but there is a lexical *convention*: Dynamic variables (called...