evm2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
evm2 copied to clipboard

e=vm² (pronounced evm-squared; the = is silent) is an evm that runs inside evm.


e=vm² (pronounced evm-squared; the = is silent), also spelled evm2, is an evm that runs inside evm.

Yo dawg I heard you like building

Huff - use this!

Added huff implementation:

run_huff.sh and test_huff.sh

Compiling (old method)

evm is a tool that comes with go-ethereum.

evm compile evm.easm

Running (old method)

Use evm run or the provided helper script:

./run.sh 0x<bytecode>

Debugging (old method)

./disas.sh will compile evm2 and then show disassembly so, you can like, do things that help stuff.


(NOTE: code without a return statement will return evm2's memory)

return 0x33 * 2:

./test_huff.sh 60336002025952

return [0x00, 0x20, 0x40]:

./test_huff.sh 595952595952595952

mstore8 & mstore:

./test_huff.sh 6040595360205952

emit LOG0(abi.encode(uint256(-1), uint256(0))):

(to see logs need to run evm --debug)

# classic evm:
evm --debug --json --code 600019595260406000a0 run

# and for evm2:
evm --debug --json --code `huffc evm.huff --bin-runtime` --input 600019595260406000a0 run

#### LOGS ####
LOG0: 0000000000000000000000007265636569766572 bn=0 txi=0
00000000  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  |................|
00000010  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  |................|
00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|


untested but presumably works:

  • CODESIZE (simply replaced to CALLDATASIZE)
  • CODECOPY (simply replaced to CALLDATACOPY)


Not yet implemented:

  • SELFDESTRUCT - currently implemented as STOP... (probably should not be implemented at all)

Implemented without virtualization: (will shift all data 32 bytes)

  • GAS (note: can implement HOSTGAS opcode in addition to virtualized GAS but is it useful?)
  • CALLDATASIZE (this would be CODESIZE of the input code)
  • CALLDATACOPY (this would be CODECOPY of the input code)
  • RETURNDATASIZE (supposedly ok)
  • RETURNDATACOPY (supposedly ok)


Fun fact

I used evm to write pure bytecode, I couldn't even use labels for jumps I had to calculate offsets! I wanted to do it in pure solidity or yul; I just couldn't get it to run properly. Solidity has breaking changes every other day especially when it comes to inline assembly. So I just ended up implementing from scratch.

Thanks to The Optimizor by 0x_Beans, by the end of which I was building mental models in pure assembly while typing bytecodes from memory.