showing the label and he project to assign to the issue.
See comment in https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/academy/issues/165 by @TilmanKie: _"Select data from a table" -> response 404_
Please review course 06 : https://openenergyplatform.github.io/academy/courses/06_enable_comparisons/ and provide your feedback below as comments. Feedback can include pointing out errors (such as broken links, things that do not work as described)...
Please review course 04 : https://openenergyplatform.github.io/academy/courses/04_upload/ and provide your feedback below as comments. Feedback can include pointing out errors (such as broken links, things that do not work as described)...
Please review course 02: https://openenergyplatform.github.io/academy/courses/02_start/ and provide your feedback below as comments. Feedback can include pointing out errors (such as broken links, things that do not work as described) any...