It would be usefull to me to switch off a wifi plug when there is an error with the heaters or sensors. Should be possible with this idea.... Right now...
Hi, I tried to reproduce it several times and there was no space... I did not erase / reflash the esp, however.
wow. I guess there are tons of devices that cannot handle that. After all, some even have problems with special characters in the wifi password.
Can you try disabling support? I don't see this error once I disable support generation. I was using tree support but I can print my object without support, so... I...
I flashed D2 with LED. So far, it is connected, but it updates the current power (W) only every 31 seconds. Is this intentional?
Maybe something is wrong with the positioning of the sensor or the circuit. Polarity, pullup, wiring.... My approach would be - check if the meter is actually transmitting (use a...
Your circuit is wrong. Do not connect D5 to D2. You have to use two external resistors between the Pins and 3,3V. Or activate the internal pull up resistors on...